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"Olivia?" Elliot asked quietly, as he glanced over at his wife and saw that her hands were shaking as she held the letter.

"She left me my grandparents' house... her bank account and a safe deposit box. She was prepared to leave me, and she thinks bribing me will make me any less angry at her... she was wrong." Olivia huffed. She ran her hands through her hair before handing the letter to her husband.


"No, Elliot. I just want her alive. I don't want her dead. I wish she would have dealt with this all and just left my father. Taken me with her." Olivia whispered. She slowly climbed off the bed and started pacing the room. Elliot read the letter before reading over the paperwork. Olivia quietly continued pacing as Elliot stood.

"Babe, we need to talk to your mother's lawyer about this. Find out if she actually left us this money." Elliot spoke quietly.

"I'm not taking it. It has her blood all over it." Olivia whimpered.

"Okay. Then we can donate it. But until then, you and I need to confirm this all. Do you want to-"

"I want to stay here forever. I am never leaving this room. I feel like people can probably see it."

"See what?" Elliot asked quietly.

"The fact that my mother killed herself. That she left me all this stuff to make up for her absence, but it doesn't help at all. I'm honestly ashamed of this all."

"Don't be ashamed of your mother, Olivia."

"But I am." Olivia breathed.


Elliot didn't like that his wife was ashamed of her mother, just like he didn't like what was happening to her at the moment. She not only was having a horrible time dealing with her family and the secrets that were getting unearthed, but she was also dealing with the nerves around becoming a mother for the first time.

"Was that Olivia crying upstairs?" Bernie asked as she watched her son come downstairs with the large orange envelope.

"She's sleeping now... but yes. It was her crying." Elliot sighed.

"What was she crying about, son?" Joseph asked.

"Uh, Serena committed suicide. Olivia found out today about it. It didn't make this time any easier on her. She also saw what Serena left behind for her which is a house, a bank account, a safe deposit box, and a few things from her childhood. But Olivia doesn't want to accept it because she says it has her mother's blood all over it." Elliot frowned.

"Don't worry, carrot. Everything will turn out as it's supposed too. And accept what Serena left behind because she wanted that." Bernie spoke.

"Ma, it isn't that easy. My wife isn't the biggest fan of me at the moment because I told her the same thing. So I'm going to go out for a bit. Give her some space." Elliot frowned.

"Keep your phone on," Bernie spoke.

"Why?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Because your wife could go into labor soon. Don't you want to be there when Benson is born?" Bernie questioned.

"Of course I do. I just hope he stays put until Olivia is in a little better of a mindset." Elliot frowned.


When Olivia woke up, Elliot still wasn't there. He had decided to stay with a friend that night because he didn't want to push his wife a little too far. He didn't want to hurt her or start things he didn't want to start.

She walked quietly down the stairs and into the living room where her inlaws were watching the eleven o'clock news.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shrugged as she held her stomach.

"I'm still exhausted... a little hungry." Olivia sighed.

"Want me to warm you up some leftovers?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Nah, it's okay. Uh, is Elliot here? We have a lot we need to talk about." Olivia spoke quietly.

"He's staying with a friend in town. But maybe you and I can talk." Bernie replied. Olivia shook her head before sighing.

"I need to talk to Elliot. I need to talk to him about everything my mother left for us. What we should do with it... if I should tell my-"

"Don't tell your father. He was the reason behind this all." Bernie spoke.

"You know?" Olivia asked quietly.

"We know about this all. Elliot gave us the paperwork to read through. From what we can see, it's real and everything is legally yours as of your 18th birthday." Bernie spoke.

"Yeah?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah. We can run it by our lawyer, but everything is in the right order."

"Do you think we should take everything?" Olivia asked.

"It's your grandparents' home, Liv. You can fix it up and turn it into the perfect place to raise your son. And all of the other kids to come." Bernie replied. Olivia nodded slowly before turning and moving back towards the stairs. She started to climb them before stopping.

"I just wish that my mother would have just taken me and ran. I wish she would have left my father behind so that she and I could be together. We were so close. We used to stay up all night talking because she was my best friend. I was the spitting image of her, and that's one of the reasons why my father and I always fought. I also think now we fought because he was trying to not beat me like he beat my mother."


Very early in the morning, Olivia was taken to the hospital by Bernie. On the way in, Elliot was called and he was rushing through early morning traffic to get to the hospital in time for his son to be born. It didn't take long for him to get there, but by the time he got there, Benson was already there and laying in his mother's arms.

"Am I late?" Elliot asked as he slid to a stop by his mother.

"Everything was moving extremely quick. But he's here and he is beautiful." Bernie spoke. Elliot ran his hands over his face before opening the door and walking towards his wife and child.

"Don't feel bad for missing his birth. If it wasn't for me being pregnant with him, I'd probably would have missed it too." Olivia spoke. She reached out to her husband and walked over and sank down beside his wife.

"He's such an angel." Elliot breathed.

"He's perfect, and I think that you and I should move into that house and then Benson will have so much space to run around and play. And then maybe I can connect to the remaining pieces of my mother."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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