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Olivia had to blink several times before she was able to make out her father standing in the aisle. She could feel her anger start to bubble up inside of her, as she thought about her father disapproved so much, that he'd come over and just ruin her wedding instead of just being pissed off in Germany.

"Sir-" The pastor started, but Elliot shook his head.

"Lance, why are you here?" Elliot asked as he kept his hands holding onto his almost wife's hands.

"I do not approve of you marrying my baby girl. I refuse to let it happen, so Olivia we are leaving. We are going back to Germany tonight." Lance replied as his voice shook a bit.

"I'm almost 20. I'm not going anywhere with you. I'd like you to leave because your objection happened when you disowned me." Olivia replied. She turned to the pastor and gave him a small nod.

"Alright, uh-"

"This isn't going to happen!" Lance yelled, and Joseph stood and grabbed Olivia's father by his arms before pulling him out of a side door. Joseph knew he wouldn't witness his son and Olivia officially get married, but at least they could get married.

"If there are no more objections, I can now pronounce you husband and wife. Elliot, you can kiss your bride." 

Elliot took his wife by her waist and pulled her quickly to his chest before kissing her deeply. As their lips parted, Elliot whispered to her.

"Everything is okay, love. We've got each other, and we can survive anything."


Joseph escorted Lance out the back door and into the back parking lot. He pushed him out the door and watched him stumble before walking towards him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Joseph asked quickly.

"Our kids shouldn't be together! They are too young and my kid could do so much better than your son." Lance replied, which led him to be shoved by Joseph again.

"Our kids love each other. And my son is just as good as any other boy out there! Olivia made her choice, and you can't tell her no when they are already married and they are adults!" Joseph replied.

"They are going to get divorced in less than five years, because chances are Olivia won't be able to have kids!" Lance yelled, and Joseph swallowed hard.

"Maybe she will be able to get pregnant easier than your wife did. But you need to just get the hell out of here because I will not let you ruin their day anymore." Joseph spoke. The back door swung open with a thud, and Olivia came out in her mother's wedding dress. She tried her hardest to not fall over because of her heels, but she had to get to her father. She pushed Joseph back a bit, before shoving her father harder than Joseph even did.


"This is my big day. This is the day that Mom and I talked about since I was five. She wanted me to wear her dress, and guess what... it's exactly what she wanted! She wanted me to be happy and to stand in front of all my family and friends and marry the love of my life. You just can't let me be happy." Olivia spoke, her voice changing volumes and emotion throughout the whole statement. 

She was sad because her mother wasn't there. She was angry that her father had to object to her marriage. And she was happy because she is married to Elliot.

"You don't love him," Lance spoke as he shook his head.

"Oh, and you don't love Pam." Olivia spat.


"No! You can't tell me who I love and do not love! If you think you can do that, then I will tell you the same. Pam is so much better off without you. She should be with someone who can actually love her and make her happy because clearly you are a controlling asshole. I'm going to get my pictures taken now with my husband, and you are going back to Germany. I never want to hear from you again." Olivia spat before she grabbed her father in law by his arm and pulled him back into the church.

Lance stood there with wide eyes, but he didn't start crying. He just turned and walked away as he called his girlfriend.


Olivia had to touch up her makeup before going to find her husband. He was standing out front thanking those that came to the wedding and making sure that they knew exactly where the reception was. Olivia thanked a few people as she made her way over to her husband, and she wrapped her arms around his waist before resting her head against his back.

"Hey, husband." Olivia breathed. Elliot turned around so his wife was now resting her head against his chest and he rubbed her back gently.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked quietly.

"I hate my father for what he did. But I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm freaking Olivia Stabler now. I have a super hot husband and I love him with my whole heart." Olivia spoke, as she looked up at him. Elliot smiled before pressing his lips firmly against hers for several moments.

"We have pictures we need to take soon."

"I know. But what I want to do is kiss you for a little bit." Olivia spoke. Elliot leaned down and pecked her lips gently before dragging her away.

"Pictures first, making out and having an amazing night together as husband and wife, later."


Their night got better. They got to celebrate their marriage with everyone that mattered, even if they ended up inviting more than they had thought they were going too. By the end of the night, Olivia and Elliot got into Elliot's truck and headed towards a hotel in town. They didn't have enough money for more than a weekend in town, and they had school on Monday anyway. 

"We need to start saving for an apartment soon," Olivia spoke, as her husband unbuttoned the back of her dress.

"I know, but my parents kinda want us staying in the house until we graduate. They don't want us to drop out or anything." Elliot replied as he started to kiss his wife's back.


"We will be out on our own before we know it, Liv. Now, we have been waiting for a while to finally make love to each other... and I'm ready for that." Elliot spoke. Olivia stepped out of her dress before looking at her husband and smiled.

"If you insist." She teased.

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