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It was towards the end of Olivia's pregnancy when Elliot went to the academy. He was away most hours during the day, and when he came home his wife and son were already asleep and his mother was leaving the house just to come back the next morning and do it all again. It was hard because the last few weeks of Olivia's pregnancy, he wasn't there. And he was at the academy the day that Olivia went into labor, four days after her due date.

"Stabler." One of the main officers yelled. Elliot stood up quickly and looked at him.

"Yes, sir?" He questioned.

"You need to go." He spoke. Elliot's eyes went wide with confusion.

"Did I not make the cut?" He breathed.

"Son, it's not that. It's the fact that we got a call saying your wife is in labor. You are ordered to report to the hospital." The officer replied, and Elliot nodded before quickly running in the direction of the locker room. He sprinted as fast as he could because he knew that Molly probably wouldn't wait long before being born, just like Benson, and he wanted to at least witness one of his children being born.


When Elliot got to the hospital, his father was waiting outside for him. He grabbed his son's arm and slowed him down so he could catch his breath and compose himself before heading inside.

"Elliot, she's fine. She's doing great." Joseph spoke, and Elliot nodded slowly as he took shaky breaths.

"Dad, even if she is doing great... it still scares me to death. I never did expect her to make it this far in the pregnancy, but now she's having our little Molly and I feel like I'm going to get sick." Elliot panted.

"Hey, kid... every time is scary. I have six kids, and each time I thought that I'd get sick watching your mother in so much pain. You just need to let that all go right now because you need to support her in there. Hold Olivia's hand and tell her that everything will be okay because it will be okay." Joseph spoke, as he held his son by his shoulders. Elliot nodded slowly as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Do you think I'll be a good dad to her?" Elliot asked as he thought about his daughter being a mess just because he's a bad father.

"You will be the best father to her that you can possibly be. Now, go into the bathroom and wash your face. We don't want Olivia to worry about you, right?" Joseph asked as he tugged his son into a very rare hug. Elliot nodded as he stepped back and looked at his father's face.

"What?" He breathed.

"You smell... probably put on another shirt and some deodorant."


Once Elliot was in a better place, he walked into his wife's room and found her pacing the floor. She had her hair tied back and her face was flushed. But once Olivia saw her husband, her face lit up and she made her way over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I am so glad that you are here, Elliot. I didn't want to go through this by myself again. I need you." Olivia breathed, as her husband hugged her tightly and rubbed her lower back gently.

"I love you, Liv... I'm sorry that I didn't get here sooner... how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing okay. Just waiting for Dr. Yin to show up. I've been in labor for probably a good five hours, and your mother was here the whole time. She just left my side." Olivia spoke, as she stepped away slowly.

"And who has Benson?" Elliot asked as he and his wife started to walk paths around the room. He kept his hand on her lower back and rubbed it gently as she spoke.

"He is with Austin and Missy. They were who we are planning on having watch him since they have no kids." Olivia spoke before she went silent. Elliot watched as her face grew red and her body tensed up.

"You are incredibly strong, Livvie. You are the bravest woman I know, and I have never loved someone as intensely as I have loved you. You, Benson, and Molly are my world and you three own my heart. So just keep that in mind because that means I will not leave your side during this." Elliot whispered into his wife's ear. A small smile grew on her lips even if she was in pain.

"I love you too." She whispered as the contraction faded.

"Good." Elliot smiled.


Hours went by and Molly was still being stubborn. Olivia was starting to feel the sort of exhaustion that she had never felt before, and really wanted to just get it all over with. She just wanted to hold her daughter, but she couldn't because everything seemed to be slowing down. It got to the point where Olivia ended up having to get an IV of Pitocin to get things going. 

"Everything is speeding up now, Olivia. I'm going to have a nurse start to monitor you every 15 minutes, and when things are almost ready I'll come in. Okay?" Dr. Yin spoke, as she took her gloves off and threw them away.

"Gotcha," Olivia grunted as she tried to breathe as calmly as possible.

Dr. Yin asked Elliot to join her in the hall, and once the door was closed she started to talk.

"Alright, Elliot, Olivia is very close to having your daughter. I know that you weren't here for Benson's birth, so this is going to be a lot for you. There will be blood and lots of crying on your part and hers. But just make sure you stay strong to help her stay strong too." Dr. Yin spoke.

"I'm scared," Elliot admitted.

"I know that you are, but that will fade as soon as you get to hold your kid. Okay?"

"Okay." Elliot breathed before the door swung open behind them.

"Uh, Dr. Yin?" Bernie asked since she was staying for Molly's birth.


"Olivia says she needs to push... so, uh, go time."


Within the hour, Molly had made her appearance into the world. Her parents couldn't stop themselves from sobbing, but after everything they had gone through in the 40 weeks since Molly was conceived, it was hard to not be extremely happy about them holding a living and breathing baby girl.

"She's beautiful," Elliot whispered, as he sat beside his wife's bed and caressed her hair gently as she cuddled Molly.

"She looks a lot more like me than Benson did... I hope that she looks like my Mom." Olivia breathed, as she rubbed Molly's back.

"Do you want to give her your mother's name as her middle name?" Elliot breathed, and Olivia nodded as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'd love that... because even if I still hate her for leaving me, I still love her." Olivia breathed. Elliot leaned close and kissed his wife's cheek gently before moving to caress his daughter's head.

"Alright, little one. You have a full name now... Molly Serena Stabler."

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