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Olivia got her students onto their buses before heading back into Mrs. Olsen's room. She put the rope back into the closet before approaching the older teacher.

"So the boys were talking about how you aren't scared of snakes?" Angie asked, and Olivia sighed and nodded.

"I grew up all over the world and I've seen snakes all the time. It was just a little green snake. Not dangerous just might have bit one of the students and broke then skin." Olivia spoke.

"I'd like to know more about you," Angie spoke, and Olivia sighed softly before sitting down on the edge of one of the tables.

"What would you like to know?" Olivia asked.

"Clearly you are married. So, how'd you meet your husband?" She asked, as she walked over to her desk and grabbed a pile of worksheets that Olivia will have to grade for the morning.

"We met after my mother passed away. My father was in the army and after my mother passed away we moved up here for less than a few weeks. I went to school with Elliot and then after I moved to Germany we kept in touch." Olivia replied.

"Any kids?" Angie asked, and she smiled when she saw Olivia's eyes light up.

"A little boy. Benson. He's the sweetest little thing. I love him so much that it hurts." Olivia spoke. 

"Well, I won't send you home with too much work every night so you have more time with your baby. Now, let me go over these with you and then you can head out."


Olivia got home and found Elliot sitting on the front porch with little Benson laying in his arms. Olivia climbed out of her car and walked over to her husband and son.

"So when is your hearing?" Olivia asked, as she reached out and took Benson into her arms and hugged her son close as he snuggled into his mother's embrace.

"No idea. But I need you to just keep moving forward."


"Chances are that I won't go to jail and it'll be dropped because he wasn't wanted here. We will get a restraining order against him and he won't be allowed within 100 yards of us or something."

"Then why did you make it seem like you may be going to prison for the rest of our lives?" Olivia groaned as she stood before walking back to her car to grab her bags.


"You are so dramatic. Just go inside and watch Benson while I do my work." Olivia sighed. She walked past her husband and into the house.

"I'm not as dramatic as you make me seem. Liv, I just want you to move forward and ignore what happened. Just focus on work and I'll focus on everything else." Elliot spoke. Olivia stopped before looking at him.

"So you are just making sure that I'm okay?" Olivia asked.

"I don't want to mess everything up even more than I already have."

"You might be suspended," Olivia spoke quietly, as she laid Benson in his bouncer before setting her bag down.

"Why would I get suspended?" Elliot questioned.

"Getting arrested is against the code of conduct at the University."


Elliot came to visit Olivia at work during her lunch, and he had Benson strapped to his chest. Elliot quietly walked down the hall after signing in and getting his visitor's pass before knocking on the door that said Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Stabler on it.

"May I help you?" The older woman with graying hair spoke.

"Uh, I'm Mrs. Stabler's husband. She's on lunch, right?"

"She's currently watching the kids at lunch. She'll be coming back afterward. Would you like to come in and wait? Lunch is going to be over in about 15 minutes."

"Oh, uh... sure. Uh, I'm Elliot. And this is Benson." Elliot spoke, before reaching his hand out.

"Angie Olsen. It's nice to meet you and the famous Benson." She smiled, before letting Elliot into her room.

Elliot looked around for a while before a bunch of kids came running into the room and Olivia instructed them to walk. She stopped and smiled when she saw her husband and son.

"What are you two doing here?" She asked quietly.

"We wanted to see you. Benson has been missing you a lot today." Elliot spoke. Olivia could see that something was wrong because her husband's eyes were full of sadness.

"Uh, okay. Mrs. Olsen, can I do show and tell today?" Olivia asked, as she stepped forward and lifted Benson up and held her baby close. Angie laughed before nodding.

"Of course. Now, students please grab your items for show and tell and sit down!" 


Olivia sat on her chair as she held Benson in front of her. The little boy was looking around at all of the kids as they tried to get him to look at them by smiling and waving.

"I'd like to thank you all for sharing and being so polite when your fellow students were sharing. And now, I'd like to share something very special to me. This is my son, Benson. He's three months old and his favorite thing at the moment is being cuddled by me or his father." Olivia smiled, as Benson squirmed a bit. Olivia lifted her son up so his feet were resting against her legs, and Benson made a lot of gurgling noises.

"Who's he?" One of the little boys who had been playing with the snake asked.

"That's my husband. He's going to be a cop one day." Olivia smiled, but as she looked back she saw that Elliot's face had paled. 

"Kids, why don't you all put away your stuff and we can have quiet time." Mrs. Olsen spoke, and Olivia stood quickly before walking to her husband.

"What's happening?" Olivia breathed as she bounced Benson.

"I was expelled for inappropriate conduct. So I don't know if I'll be going to the academy." Elliot replied. Olivia shook her head before gently reaching out and caressing his cheek gently.

"Go apply for the academy today. Okay? You were just taking electives mostly this year, so it doesn't matter. You will be the best cop there has ever been even if my father is trying to prevent that."

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