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Olivia quickly went back into the house as Elliot started to pack up his belongings. She walked into his room and grabbed his bag from his hands and threw it to the floor.

"You aren't leaving, Elliot!" She cried. 


"No! I'm not letting him ruin our Christmas here... our first one together as a couple. So, put your shit back and prop-"

"I'm not proposing to you. I thought I made that clear. Your father doesn't want us to get married, and I don't want him to hate me forever because I got married to you without his permission... I think I might catch a flight back to Manhattan in the morning. You can enjoy your time here with your father and Pam, and I'll spend Christmas with my family." Elliot replied. He walked over and grabbed his bag, and as he stood, Olivia started to cry.

"Are we done? Are you going to break up with me because my father is an ass? Elliot, I will go back home with you!" Olivia exclaimed.

"I'm not breaking up with you. I don't think I could live with myself if I let you go... I love you." Elliot spoke. He dropped his bag and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to his chest.

"I'm coming home with you." She whispered.

"Are you sure?" He breathed.

"I don't want to be somewhere that you aren't welcomed."


After Olivia and Elliot got packed up again, they walked out of their rooms and met in the living room where they started to pull their jackets and hats on.

"Where are you going?" Lance asked, as he quickly walked from the kitchen.

"We are going home, Dad. And you better believe me when I say that I won't be here for a while. I won't be coming back because you are being an ass to my boyfriend."

"Because I spelled his name wrong on accident?" Lance laughed.

"No! Because you spelled it wrong on purpose. Because you refuse to give him your blessing so we can get engaged. You need to realize that you will be a hell of a lot lonelier once Pam leaves you and I ignored all of your calls." Olivia spat. 

She was just wishing that her father would have at least considered giving Elliot his blessing. She was wishing that Lance show how happy Elliot makes her. But instead, he ignored it all and just thought that it was Elliot and Olivia being kids. When in reality they were really in love. Like real deal in love.

"How can you do this to me?!" Lance growled.

"Stop playing the victim! Mom wouldn't want you to be acting like an ass to the guy I love! Fuck off, Dad. Leave me the hell alone."

Elliot walked over and lifted up Olivia's bags before moving towards the door. He awkwardly opened it, before Pam came out of the kitchen with two plates covered in tin foil.

"Here is something you two can eat while you are waiting for a flight out. I'm sorry that you two couldn't stay any longer, but if it means anything to either of you... I think that I speak for your mother and myself, Olivia. She would want you to be happy and married to Elliot, and I'd like to see that too. I love you."


Elliot called his parents once they got to the airport and explained what had happened. They said that they would be at the airport to pick them up in the morning and that they were sorry the trip had to be ended so soon. Elliot joined Olivia again and sank down beside her.

"I'm sorry, Liv." He sighed, and his girlfriend just shrugged.

"It's like I'm 15 again. We are fighting over shit once again because my father is just a confused and very sad man." Olivia sighed. She grabbed one of the plates that had been sitting on the chair beside her, before passing it to her boyfriend.

"Pam gave us her blessing. And your mother's blessing." Elliot breathed, as he opened up the plate and eyed the food that Pam had sent for them.

"My mom and Pam knew each other from school. The same school we went too. But uh, then Pam joined the army and my mother married my father. They went in completely different sides of the world. But at least she said yes." Olivia rambled a bit.

"Then I guess we are engaged then." Elliot breathed, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring. Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Don't just do it-"

"No, really take it. Babe, I guess that maybe it makes more sense to get a blessing from two women that love you and know you, then your father who hates me." Elliot spoke. He smiled softly at her before leaning over and kissing her lips softly. Then he rested the plate on his lap as he opened the box before moving the engagement ring onto Olivia's finger.

"Are you sure, El?" She whispered.

"I am."


"They got engaged," Pam spoke, as she looked at a picture of the ring that Olivia had sent her.

"They did what?" Lance spat, as he stood up from where he had been watching the news.

"Your daughter is in engaged to the boy she is absolutely in love with," Pam replied.

"Why does she keep doing things just to piss me off?" Lance huffed, as he walked into the kitchen and to where his girlfriend was finishing up cleaning up from the dinner she made.

"Lance, this wasn't about you. This will never be about you." Pam replied. She moved about the kitchen as Lance sank down at the table.

"This is about me-"

"Lance, shut up for once and listen to me. Because I'm tired of you always interrupting me. Also having to say what pops into your head the moment it happens. Lance, your daughter is in love with Elliot Stabler. They have been in love since they met, and you didn't even see that. When you two moved her, we got together and talked about the boy she had to leave behind in Manhattan. They are supposed to be together, and either you can go with it or be prepared to never be in contact with your child."

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