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The rest of Elliot's siblings showed up shortly after Darlene and Luke did. The house grew loud quickly, and there was a lot of hugging and joking around. Olivia wasn't as anxious as she usually was in crowds, because this was her family that was surrounding her. She loved all of Elliot's siblings, their spouses, and all of the kids. She liked having a big family because there were always so many people there to help out and to support each other.

They started to eat at around 4, and the dining table was extended as far as it could go to fit all of the family. Bernie and Joseph sat on the ends and they had everyone join hands for a prayer. And once that was done and a ton of amens had been mumbled, everyone started to dig in. Well, all but Olivia. She sat and sipped her tea while everyone else started to clean the bowls out.

"Are you gonna eat?" Elliot whispered into his wife's ear.

"I'm not hungry." She replied quietly. Looking at the food was making her sick to her stomach, and she knew that it was because she was just so stressed out lately. Between school and not talking to her father, she was down and a little freaked out lately. 

"Honey, eat something at least. Even if it's just a roll or a piece of ham. I just need you to eat a little bit." Elliot breathed, before passing the roll basket to his wife. Olivia took the smallest one and sat it on her plate before passing the basket down. Elliot eyed her, and she just shrugged.

"You said a roll. This is a roll."

They continued to eat and talk, and Olivia withdrew into herself. She sat back and listened, but she didn't participate in conversations. She ignored her husband when he offered her more food, and all she managed to do was drink about three cups of tea and half a roll. Elliot was growing worried about his wife, but he got distracted easily when the kids started asking about gifts.


Everyone gathered around the tree and gifts were passed out by Elliot's brother Bobby and his husband Steven. The boxes and bags were stacked to the sides as the kids tore into their gifts. Elliot sat beside his wife and held her hand as they waited to get to the gifts for the adults.

"How are you doing?" Elliot asked quietly.

"I'm kinda tired. I hate to do this, but I think I'm going to go clean up the kitchen then head to bed."

"Babe-" Elliot spoke.

"I'm sorry, El. I just can't do Christmas. It's just too hard for me." Olivia whispered. She left the living room and went into the kitchen to start doing dishes. Elliot ran his hands over his face before seeing a few family members looking at him.

"Where'd she go?" Bernie asked.

"To do dishes... she can't do this right now. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go help her. Then we are both going to go upstairs and chill." Elliot spoke. He stood and ruffed Gia's hair before walking into the kitchen. He rolled up the sleeves of his sweater before starting to rinse a few dishes that Olivia already managed to was.

"What are you doing?" Olivia whispered.

"Helping my wife. I told you that I'd do anything for you. I plan on keeping that promise. So, do you want me to rinse or wash?" Elliot asked before the switched spots and Olivia started rinsing dishes before drying them.

"I ruin everything, Elliot. Like, I can never get anything right." Olivia breathed.

"You don't ruin everything. You are just human and make some mistakes sometimes. You make fewer mistakes than I do." Elliot replied, as he looked over at her.

"I miss my father and mother. I miss the Christmases that we used to have. I miss just having parents of my own. I love your family and they help me so much, but today I feel like an outsider." Olivia breathed. She sat a few plates down before wiping tears from her cheeks.

"It's a hard time of year, Liv." 

"I know. My therapist said that the holidays would be the hardest times of the year for me. She told me that after losing my mother, the days that she was the happiest would be the hardest for me. She was right. And now, now I can't even think about next Christmas or the ones where you and I have a house of our own and maybe kids." Olivia whispered.

"Go lay down, Liv. I'll do the dishes and join you soon."

"Spend time with your family." Olivia breathed.

"But you are my family."

"Spend time with your siblings, parents, and all of your nieces and nephews. I'll be sleeping so I won't be any fun."


Christmas fizzled out at around 10:30, Elliot had been upstairs with his wife and held her while she slept, but then he went downstairs to say goodbye to his siblings. He helped them carry their items to their cars, and he helped clean up the mess that was left behind. Elliot didn't say anything and his parents didn't either. They just went about their tasks without bringing up what was all on their minds. But after shutting all the lights off and heading to the stairs, Bernie spoke.

"She's depressed, El."

"I know," Elliot whispered as he brushed some tears from his cheeks.

"She is going to need help, son. See if you can get her to go to therapy. Or even go with her." Joseph spoke. Elliot stopped and looked at his parents in the dark and started to sob. He stepped forward and hugged his mother tightly as tears soaked into her sweater.

"I hate that she is so upset and that she feels so absolutely hopeless. I wish I would have noticed sooner before this happened."

"We will all just keep an eye on her and get her help. That is all we can do, Elliot." Bernie breathed as she rubbed her son's back.

"I'm her husband. I should be able to do more."

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