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"Koo!" Jin was calling out as Jungkook was turning back around. "Yes hyung?" Jungkook would never get over how beautiful Jin is.

"I never asked for your number! And it's been a week since you've been here!" Jin said while handing Jungkook his phone. The younger took the phone while pouting. This meant the person who had texted him wasn't his hyung.

"Hyung can I tell you something?" Jungkook said while handing back the older's phone. "What is it?"

"Well this random number texted me and I-" Jin took Jungkook's phone quickly, wanting to see what happened.

"They think you're cute! I think so too", the comment made Jungkook blush. "Hyung-"

"Well, I don't see any harm, any new notes from your secret lover?" Jin teased while Jungkook was going to his locker.

"Every now and then I get something, it's...nice", Jungkook began opening his locker. "Well would you look at that", Jin said as a paper fell out of Jungkook's locker.

"Hyung!" Yoongi called out walking up to the two. "I was wondering if-" Yoongi paused what he was saying to look at Jungkook, who gave a smile to the piece of paper he was reading.

Yoongi stared in awe. Jungkook's smile was one that he hasn't seen in awhile. No one in Yoongi's life really smiles that anymore.

"What is he so happy about?" Yoongi scoffed, distracting himself again. "Tell him Koo!" Jin said.

Yoongi could never figure out how Jin was so easy to get along with. Everyone loves him, and the fact that Jungkook latched onto him so quickly made Yoongi...feel something.

"I've been getting letters from someone, I think they like me?" Jungkook wasn't entirely sure. "Of course the person does! Who wouldn't!" Jin swung his arm around Jungkook and pulled his cheek.

Yoongi looked away feeling annoyed.

It was too early for this.

That had to be it.

That had to be it, it was too early this past week for Yoongi to deal with anyone. Anyone meaning Jungkook. Cause this week has made Yoongi start to wander off in his thoughts and it's all been cause of Jungkook and Yoongi doesn't know why nor does he really mind.

"Whoever it is, if they can't show their emotions to you in person, they're not worth it", Yoongi walked away hitting Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yoongi, didn't you want to ask me something?" Jin asked as Yoongi was speed walking away.

"Later!" Yoongi had to get away from them two.

"Fuck yeah!" Hoseok high fived Namjoon. "What did I miss?" Yoongi chimed in as he sat down near them. "Namjoon here, finally got some head!" Hoseok hyped up Namjoon.

"It has been awhile, much needed", Namjoon looked more laid back, more at ease. That head did him some good.

"Good for you", Yoongi was more out of it than usual. "Um, Yoongi", Jungkook stood still as he was trying to make his next sentence in his head.


"You're in my seat-"

"Not this shit again, I sit here!"

"But it's been a week, we go through this everyday and-"

"Well today I'm sitting here so go away-"

"Yoongi, let the kid sit-" Namjoon tried to calm the situation down.

"Nah, let the baby try to defend himself-"

"I'm not a baby, quit calling me that", Jungkook tried to defend himself but the pout he gave afterwards drove Yoongi insane.

"Come here", Yoongi pulled Jungkook by his t-shirt out into the hallway. "Don't follow me!" Yoongi shut the classroom door.

"You're not going to beat me up are you? Because...I'll tell hyung and he-"

"Alright first of all, I'm not going to beat you up. Secondly, you can't always count on Jin hyung-"

"But you do".

"What?" And that's when Jungkook knew he was walking on thin ice.

"I-I'm just saying, you count on hyung a lot and-"

"It's none of your fucking business-"

"Okay, I'm sorry", Jungkook put his head down. For what was he even apologizing for? He didn't really know, but he made Yoongi upset and no one wants Yoongi upset.

Yoongi couldn't stand it.

Jungkook, the kid with poofy hair, who wears over sized clothes that make him look smaller, the kid who-

"Fuck off", Yoongi said letting go of his train wreck of thoughts. He swung the classroom door open and sat in the seat he always did. He did the walk of shame to when Jungkook won his seat.

Jungkook tapped Yoongi on the shoulder.

"Sit in your seat, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine", Yoongi plopped himself down.

"Look at him trying to make things better, what a-"

"Hoseok", Yoongi and Namjoon said at the same time. "What? It's entertaining, seeing him try so hard", Hoseok smirked.

"Class is starting, go sit", Yoongi motioned for Jungkook to sit down. "O-okay", Jungkook shuffled over to his seat.

Yoongi was left was smiling a little.

Jungkook was definitely a cute kid.

Too cute.

How could someone be so-

"Fuck", Yoongi whispered to himself.

He was feeling something.

"Fucking Jeon Jungkook", Yoongi put his head down.

Jungkook was wrapping Yoongi around his finger without him even realizing it.

yee yee, whats POPPIN.

ahehe next chapter gonna be a juicy one 👁👅👁

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ahehe next chapter gonna be a juicy one 👁👅👁

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