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"Wow my boyfriend is so cool, doing drugs and getting high, wow, look at him go!" Jungkook filmed Yoongi with his video camera as Yoongi was rolling up his blunt underneath a tree with Jungkook sitting next to him.

"Darling, what are you doing exactly?" Yoongi wasn't used to a camera all up in his face. "I just want to film you that's all", Jungkook smiled.

"Okay then, guess I have to make some quality entertainment", Yoongi leaned over and gave Jungkook a kiss on the cheek, Jungkook squealing.

"You can't do that!"

"Don't act like you don't like it".

"You like it more than me".

"That's gay right?" Yoongi asked making Jungkook laugh and shake his head. "I think my gaydar says you're gay Min Yoongi".

"Hm", Yoongi took a hit and looked out into the view.

They were in a park leaning against a tree that had covered its territory in orange and red. Surrounding the area was nothing but grass and more leaves. The wind making the tree branches move here and there. Sun barely rising covering the sky in the colors of the leaves.

"Boyfriend! Look over here!" Jungkook smiled. "I know what you're doing-"

"Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend-"

"Common darling, we saw the sunrise let's get you home before your mom wakes up". Yoongi stood up extending his hand.

"Fine", Jungkook had forgotten all about how he's grounded. He forgot Taehyung and Jimin we're here for just one more day.

He had to leave the house like a spy, he managed, but now it was a matter of getting in.

Jungkook remained filming.

"Hey why don't I come over when I'm not grounded and you play the piano for me?" Jungkook's heart was jumping at the thought.

"Are you going to film?"

"N-not if you don't want me to..."

"I don't mind, it's just weird to me".

"My boyfriend is camera shy, oh my my-"

"Darling, you better stop before I kiss you-"

"FINE!" Jungkook turned off his camera, his battery was almost out anyways.

Yoongi laughed, it always worked.

"Thanks for taking me out this morning Yoongi-"


"Taking me out boyfriend!" Jungkook took his his bag and walked up to his house. Yoongi stayed in his car, on the edge of his seat.

Having Jungkook grounded? Nope, he didn't want that.

"Baby! Where were you!" Jimin opened the door, bed hair and still in his pjs. "I- listen"

"Enough! We had to cover for you when your mom came in, you got to start giving us answers baby!" Taehyung interrupted, forgetting he didn't even have a shirt on.

Yoongi was squinting his eyes, was he seeing what the think he was seeing?

More so, was he hearing correctly?

Who are these two guys?

Jungkook shoved his friends back inside while waving goodbye to his boyfriend and closing the door quietly.

"Thank you for covering for me, really thank you..." Jungkook set his bag down.

Yoongi sighed, it was too early to be feeling confused.

"Start talking", Jimin wasn't happy that Jungkook wondered off on his own so early in the morning.

"I went to see the sunset-"

"You could've told us".

"Yes I could have Jimin, but I just...wanted to be myself..."

"You already saw Yugyeom yesterday, so who was it today? Was it Hoseok? Cause if so you're a meanie if-"

"Taehyung, you're getting off topic!" Jimin was getting annoyed.

"Who did you go out with?"

"No one".

"Are you lying?"


Jimin glared at Jungkook once more, "Fine, you never lie to us anyways."

"Are you doing drugs? You smell like weed, no shame if you are but-"


"I'm not doing drugs, there was just some potheads doing a...wake and bake thing nearby...."

"Whatever, let's sleep more". Jimin snugged back onto the couch.

Jungkook sighed.

He lied to his friends for the first time.

He never lies.


"Hyung, are you sure-"

"Yoongi is out, I'm sure". Jin was walking up the stairs with Namjoon following behind.

"Okay is you say so", Namjoon smiled but that quickly went away when he heard his hyung scream.


"Yes hyung? Why are you yelling?"

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Jin was in panic mode.

"I live here I should be asking you that-"

"I thought were out know..."

"I was, earlier this morning, what's Namjoon doing here too?"

"I had nothing to do so I decided to ask hyung what he was doing today and followed him", Namjoon sat on Yoongi's bed.

"Hoseok's dance performance is later today, we're all going right?" Namjoon asked.

"Right", Jin said as he joined the two on Yoongi's bed.

"Yeah", Yoongi said as he sat up straight.

"We should invite Jungkook", Namjoon said.

"He's grounded I don't think-"


"Why what?" Yoongi was confused.

"Why is he grounded?" Namjoon asked, confused as well.

"AH, well uh...that's just what he told me when we texted", Yoongi almost blew himself.

Jin elbowed him and laugh.

"Alright, well in the meantime", Namjoon pulled out his bag of weed. Jin sighed, "Here you two go again, I can't-"

"You going to join us or not hyung?" Yoongi asked. Jin shut up his nagging, "Yeah I am".

Calm before the storm

-Calm before the storm

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