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Months went by. Winter fell and passed, spring came around.

Yoongi loves spring.

"BABE! Can we go now?" Jihyo called out putting emphasis on the "babe" as Yoongi came back from looking at flower.

"Mom, Jihyo and I are going out to eat", Yoongi's mom nodded and waved them goodbye.

"Alright", Yoongi looked at his watch. "You got have an hour and half to see your girlfriend".

Jihyo hugged him, "Thanks again". She let go of him and went off in another direction.

Yoongi didn't mind that he would be alone for awhile. He was helping Jihyo see her girlfriend and overtime they became partners in crime.

They played their parents like violins.

"So...you're dating?" Namjoon asked Hoseok who was stretching. "Yes sir!" Hoseok smiled.

"Finally", Namjoon was glad Taehyung had said yes. "Long distance but I don't care!", He was beyond happy. "Have you by any chance heard from-"

"No Namjoon, you know this", the mood changed.

Namjoon forced a laugh, "I really messed things up huh?"


"Right, okay..."

Jin stormed out that one day.

He had another photo shoot anyhow so he just went there. Namjoon being Namjoon he followed Jin and made a scene.

He made it seem like Jin was player when Jin was far from it.

Did it hurt Jin's career? Oh hell yeah it did. Yet he got some publicity out of it.

But Namjoon can't forget the look on Jin's face when Namjoon told him it was over.

Yes Namjoon ended their relationship.

And he regrets everyday.

"He's graduating though, he should graduate with the school right?" Namjoon asked Hoseok.

"You want the lie or the truth?"

"Fuck..." Namjoon sighed. "I bet Yoongi would have a good idea..."

"I'm sure he would've..."

"Wow you're pretty!" Jungkook said while taking a picture of Yugyeom in a field of flowers. "Why thank you", he laughed.

The two kept their friendship, and Jungkook told Yugyeom about Yoongi because well, his friend group with Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin was gone.

Jimin and Taehyung were in Europe for a spring dancing program they managed to get into.

Yes Yugyeom was all he had right now, but he didn't mind.

"Hey by the way my cousin is having a little get together, you want to come?"

"When?" Jungkook asked while looking at his camera.

"Today, later".

Jungkook nodded his head and then froze at a picture of Yoongi.

He missed him so so much. All this time they could have spent together was robbed. Fall ended, Winter began and left. Now it was spring.

It was spring and he was still wearing his pink beanie.

Jimin and Taehyung walked out of practice drained out but happy. They both were having a good time in Europe.

"Miss your little Hobi?" Jimin teased. "That's not even funny because I do!" Taehyung pouted.

"Oh common, let's get some smoothies to cheer you up", Jimin dragged Taehyung inside a small shop.

"Hm", Jimin looked at the menu.

And that's when Taehyung noticed someone staring at Jimin.

"Hey, there's a guy looking at you-"

"Not now, I'm torn between watermelon or pineapple mango-"

"Jimin I'm serious", Jimin looked back at Taehyung who shifted his eyes to the guy.

"Oh fuck he's handsome", Jimin whispered. "When you go to the cashier do a strut".

"Oh shut up-"

"Ready to order?" Jimin swayed his hips up to the register and began ordering.

Taehyung had to keep himself from laughing.

"We're having our smoothies here", Taehyung dragged Jimin to a seat. "But I want to shower-"

"Let's just wait, what if that guy comes up to you!"

And sure enough the guy walked up to Jimin.

"Hey, you're very pretty and I just wanted to know if I could have your number?"

Jimin smiled, the guy was too cute, "Sure".

"What's your name?"


Taehyung sat back and watched with a smile on his face.

"Jimin? Lovely name. I'm Dean".

"Jungkook!" Yugyeom pulled Jungkook through his cousin's house.

"I thought it was a get together", Jungkook looked around and everywhere he looked there was people.

"I thought so too, but whatever", Yugyeom sat down on the couch that was on the porch.

"There's a lot of people", Jungkook said looking down at the crowds.

"I know I'm sorry", Yugyeom was upset that this turned into a frat party.

"Yugyeom! I'm going out for a beer run I'll be back!"


"Hey wait a minute", Yugyeom's cousin walked up to the two.

"I don't think we've met, you are?"


The man smirked, "I'm Yugyeom's cousin Jaebum".


High In September | YOONKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now