My Condoms Bitch

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"MOTHERFUCKER!" Hoseok yelled out causing Yoongi to look the other way closing his eyes shut.

The four boys were all sitting on Yoongi's bedroom floor, the room fogged up.

"Stop yelling you fucking-"

"ALRIGHT!" Namjoon didn't want any arguments. "Yoongi, did you take Hoseok's condoms-"




"This is about condoms? Hoseok why do you have condoms?" Jin asked with a disgusted face.

Hoseok is his little brother, not blood wise, but still, and the idea of of Hoseok doing anything sexual made Jin realize the boy was growing up, as well as him.

"Why do you think?" Hoseok laughed.

He laughed a little too hard on the count of they're all high.

"Ew", Jin said.

"Ew? Don't act like you haven't fucked anyone, you're whole model I'm sure you've done it with some-"

"No he hasn't shut up!" Namjoon threw a pillow to Hoseok.

"Anyways, no I did not take your damn condoms", Yoongi went back to defending himself.

"Okay sure, and I'm not a good dancer-"

"I took them enough", Namjoon said.

"Why didn't you fucking ask? I needed them and I couldn't do anything-"

"Because I needed them!" Namjoon shouted back.

Yoongi and Jin just watched the argument laughing from time to time.

"Fine, but get your own damn condoms, can't have you getting a girl pregnant-"

"I wasn't the one using them-"

"Uh Namjoon?" Jin cocked his head.

Except Namjoon was high in clouds unaware of what he really saying.

"Huh?" Yoongi was confused.

"Y'all don't know I'm gay?" Namjoon laughed. "Tell them babe, we're together".

Jin hit Namjoon on the back of his head.


"WHAT!" Yoongi and Hoseok said at the same time. "Oh my gosh, Namjoon you bottom?" Hoseok couldn't believe it.

"Sometimes, we switch".


"Explains a lot", Hoseok laughed. "Wow, so the school's favorite student is dating the school's model", Yoongi said looking at them both.

"Wait a minute", Yoongi was thinking.

"What?" Hoseok asked.

"Hyung, that one day when you came over not expecting to see me you were with Namjoon, what were you-"


"YOU TWO WERE GOING TO FUCK IN MY HOUSE?" Yoongi stood up freaking out. "Man y'all didn't even ask", Hoseok laughed.

"Okay're right but-" Namjoon wanted to talk but Jin hit him again. "No we weren't we just...were-" Jin couldn't think of a lie, he was too caught up with the smoke too.

"I can't fucking believe this", Yoongi was tugging on his hair.

"Fucking idiot, why did you tell them!" Jin wasn't mad, he just wished they revealed their relationship in a better way.

"The door bell rang Yoongi", Hoseok said.

Yoongi ran down the stairs, they ordered some pizza.

Except when he opened the door he opened the door to Jungkook.

"Yoongi, can- how high are you right now?" Jungkook was hit with the smell. "Shouldn't you be home?" Yoongi said.

"I told my mom I would be hanging out with friends..." Jungkook hugged Yoongi, "What's wrong boyfriend?"

"Uh not-"

"YO JUNGKOOK!" Hoseok walked up to the two. Jungkook's face fell.

Of course, Yoongi was with his friends, all getting high. They're all close friends, a close circle.

"H-hi", Jungkook said as Hoseok pulled him inside Yoongi's house. "Awe, Koo is here!" Jin followed.

Yoongi stood awkwardly, he didn't really know where to go from here.

"Well, join us!" Hoseok lit up the last blunt and handed it to Jungkook.

"Oh, uh Hoseok, Jungkook doesn't-" before Yoongi could finish his sentence Jungkook to it.

"Sure..." Jungkook wanted to fit in.

He wanted to be with Yoongi.

He wanted to join him and his friends.

They all left school to cheer him up, Jungkook should be doing that too.

And so Jungkook took a hit and coughed.

Namjoon and Hoseok laughed patting Jungkook on the back.

Jin sighed but none the less he followed the boys up stairs.

Yoongi however was pissed.

Once they were all in Yoongi's room Yoongi had called Jungkook to help him with the pizza.

"Why did you do that?" Yoongi asked. "I wanted to try-"

"No you didn't Jungkook, why did you do it?"

Jungkook scoffed, "What? I can't try anything you do?"

Yoongi shook his head, "Fine darling, try and keep up".

"Oh I intend to sir", Jungkook said while walking up the stairs.

Yoongi smirked, the view was nice.

namjoon when jin was telling him to shut up:

-namjoon when jin was telling him to shut up:

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