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"So when are you going to tell him?" Jin said as he walked the hall with Yoongi. "Hyung, I don't know", Yoongi's head was hurting and he wasn't in the best of moods.

"Well, I'm going off to class grumpy ass", Jin said as he placed another note in Jungkook's locker. "Why are you still doing that?" Yoongi asked.

"You see how it makes him smile", Jin walked away before Yoongi could tell that he didn't want Jin to keep doing that.

Just out of the corner of his eye Yoongi saw Jungkook. A small smiled formed on his face.

But Jungkook started running and he passed Yoongi.

Jungkook had ran up to Yugyeom, "Morning", Yugyeom smiled.

"Hm", Yoongi watched, he wasn't mad or jealous he was just wondering who this kid is.

Yoongi didn't say anything and he went to class.

Anywhere would've been fine.

"Hey Yoongi, is hyung here?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah he' class already", Yoongi said as he sat down.

"You okay?" Hoseok asked. "Just tired", Yoongi faked yawn.

Namjoon whispered into Hoseok's ear, "Hyung said his mom's coming back from her trip". Hoseok nodded his head understanding.

Jungkook walked in laughing with Yugyeom.

"Too early for this bullshit", Yoongi stood up and walked out.

Jungkook saw Yoongi leaving. He looked at his phone, only 5 minutes left until class started. "Uh, I forgot something I'll be back!" Jungkook ran out the class.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook followed the other boy. "Hey", he did a light jog but Yoongi sped walked.


"What?" Yoongi turned around clearly annoyed. "What's wrong?"


"Tell me", Jungkook wasn't giving up easily. "No".

"Why not?"

"Look I don't have to tell you anything, you clearly don't tell me anything-"

"What's going on? I thought we were...okay?" Jungkook didn't know what happened in their "relationship" but he didn't like it.

If he can't even keep hold on a fake boyfriend how will he keep hold on a real one.

"Of course you would think that-"

"Yoongi, you're being mean, just...what-"

"Mean? I'm being mean? You haven't seen me-"

Jungkook sighed, "Yoongi, what's wrong".

"I'm ditching, I can't today", Yoongi was walking down the stairs. "But I want to-"

Except Yoongi was already down the stairs.

Jungkook was torn, so he did what he knew he shouldn't do: he got Jin involved.

Jungkook texted Jin saying Yoongi was acting different and ditching, he left out the part where he was being mean to him.

Jungkook ran back to class only to see Namjoon and Hoseok's seat empty.

Did they leave too?

Jin sighed when he looked at Jungkook's message. Yoongi had a new record of attending school on time and staying.

Now that's gone.

So Jin got up and went off to get Yoongi before the little bastard started his car.

"Yoongi, wait", Jin was on Yoongi's trail. "Yoongi I know you hear me!"

Yoongi stuck up his middle finger.


Yoongi froze in his spot.

He messed up.

"Did you seriously just flip me off? Are you kidding me?"

"Sorry hyung-"

"Now what the hell is wrong with you?"

Yoongi shrugged.

Jin's expression soften. He got a message from his mom a couple minutes ago. The message his mom sent him was about Yoongi's mom.

"Your mom...she's going to take longer isn't she?" Jin's words pierced through Yoongi's heart.

Yoongi didn't say anything.

"Come here", Jin hugged Yoongi letting the boy's head rest on his chest.

Truth is, all Yoongi ever wanted was to have his mom. Actually have a mom who asked him about his day, a mom who would laugh with him, he wanted his mom to hug him on those days where school was being judgmental and when the world was being mean to him.

"She put five hundred dollars in my bank account, can you believe it?" Yoongi laughed.

Jin knew well that Yoongi was hiding how sad he was. His mother did this often. She would just send money to him when she would take longer on trips.

"Yoongi, you don't have to act like this-"

"Crying isn't going to do anything so why bother?" Yoongi held onto Jin a bit longer.

Jin wish Yoongi would let it out, but Yoongi always kept this image of himself that he created for others because he didn't want anyone to know how sad and broken he was.

Hoseok and Namjoon know how Yoongi feels and gets, but it's always Jin who held Yoongi because Jin has known him longest and knows what to do.

"Okay, I'm good", Yoongi pulled away. "I'm always here you know? But also Koo doesn't know about...your life much, don't make him worry".

Yoongi nodded, he was only wondering who that Yugyeom guy is. He was trying to get used to the idea of his friends calling him baby. Jungkook let his so called friends give him so much skin ship one would think he's dating one of them.

Maybe that's just how it is in Seoul.

Jungkook looked out the window and saw the two, and then he saw Namjoon and Hoseok running up to them.

His heart felt heavy.

Why couldn't Yoongi hug him as tight as he held Jin?

Why wouldn't Hoseok and Namjoon tell him that they're going with Yoongi?

Right they don't know they're "dating".

No one does because it's not real.

"What's wrong with me?" Jungkook thought to himself.

Then again it's Jin he's comparing himself too. He's good looking, older, handsome, well built.

It's Hoseok, he can dance, everyone loves him.

It's Namjoon, he's beyond smart, and he's sure to get into a good college.

So Jungkook stopped looking outside, he understood.

Jungkook to Jin :

-Jungkook to Jin :

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