It Was You

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Everyone went back home. Taehyung and Jimin were on their way back to Seoul. Of course Taehyung kept on insisting that Hoseok should take his number and after some time the latter did.

Hoseok and Namjoon were having a sleep over and Yoongi had dropped off Jungkook home.

"What a damn day", Jin yawned as he was driving since Yoongi had to bandage his knuckles.

"Fucking assholes I swear-"

"There there, Hoseok won thanks to you", Jin knew he had to calm down Yoongi.

"Thanks for sleeping over today, I know you could've gone with Namjoon and Hoseok-"

"Don't be silly, your mom is coming back tomorrow, and I should be there to help you have fun on your last day without her".

"You make it seem like I hate her", Yoongi said while looking out the window.

"Well you guys don't have a mother son relationship, it's more like: you live with her because you're not an adult yet, and she gives in the basic responsibilities to not make herself look bad", Jin never liked Yoongi's mother much.

None of the boys really did.

"So whats the plan for tonight?" Jin asked as Yoongi was unlocking the door. "We have school tomorrow so no drinking okay?"

"Let's get high then", Yoongi was walking up to his room. "Fair enough", Jin followed the younger.

"By the way, hows it going with your little boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend", Yoongi said as he was pulling out his weed. "Oh? But I see the way that kid smiles at you, and more importantly with you".

Yoongi shrugged.

"It's clear that Koo likes you", Jin said as he was rolling up his blunt. "You think?" Jin scoffed at Yoongi, "You're a dumbass if you don't see it".

"I'm just...this is new to me, I don't know-"

"New to you? What liking boys?"

"Uh, yeah", Yoongi said while feeling somewhat awkward. "So you never liked any other boy besides him?"

"Well, uh..."

"So he's your gay awakening, cool", Jin said as he took a hit.

"No, he wasn't..."

"Huh?" Jin was surprised.

Yoongi was feeling his heart beginning to burst. "It was...uh...y-you hyung".

"WHAT?" Jin stood up walking backwards, away from Yoongi. "Okay look, the only one in our group who is gay is Hoseok, and even then he isn't really out of the closet, but it's just something everyone knows, so I felt...that if I said something it would freak people out and-"


"I get it okay? You're uncomfortable because you see me as a little brother and that's all I would be in your eyes so I just didn't say anything-"

"Alright calm down you coward", Jin sat down next to Yoongi. "I'm not uncomfortable okay? And you should've just said something, the last thing I need is you to be sad because of me".

Yoongi sighed, "I don't want your pity-"

"It's not pity okay-"

"If I said something would we be together? No right? Exactly, you're not even into guys and it's just..." Yoongi recalled meeting Jin for the first time.

Yoongi fell in love at first sight but swept that under a bride and forced himself to get over it.

"I really really liked you hyung", Yoongi didn't expect to be opening a jar he closed tight. "It must've been hard right? Keeping your feelings to yourself..." Jin looked Yoongi in the eyes.

"Don't do that to yourself Yoongi, don't", Jin said as Yoongi's eyes sparkled from tears.

"You like Jungkook, don't be scared by that", Jin continued. "But...people-"

"Fuck what people think! Honestly, if you like him go tell him, go ask him to suck your dick, go and kiss him-"

"Alright, alright", Yoongi wiped his tears and laughed. "I'll tell him...eventually".

so Jin was Yoongi's first gay awakening, tea.

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