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"He..." Yoongi wanted to know if what he heard was right. "Get out!" Yoongi's mom yelled.

"W-wait, can um...I have a moment?" Yoongi asked. "Make it quick we have to pack", his mom said as she walked away. Reality was she got most of Yoongi's stuff out first, he didn't own much. All that was in his room was a bed and his closet of clothes.

"Yes ma'am".

Jungkook fixed himself somewhat.

"Please, I love you okay? And I don't want you thinking I'm the one who did that-"

"But now I'm moving, I'm leaving my real family behind", Yoongi frowned while picking up a picture of Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin.

"I'm leaving them behind because of what you recorded..." Yoongi gulped hard. He didn't want to leave.

"Do you have any idea how hard this is?" Yoongi voice was shaky.

"I do okay? I do and yes it hurts but-"

"This is all your fault".

"Yoongi, please-"

"Get your ass in there and tell Yoongi who really posted it-" Jin was holding Jaebum by his colar shoving him to the front door.

"You forgot his so called mom is home".

Jin forgot.

"Fine then, we'll do this my way".


"Fuck", Yoongi said.



"Yoongi, listen to me-"

"Do you really love me?" Yoongi asked feeling scared. "Of course I do, you're so...perfect to me".

Yoongi stared and Jungkook in shock, in confusion.

"S-say something".

"It's just...hard to think that you would like me, let alone love".

"Loving you came so naturally to me, I kept telling myself not to, but it's just so easy for me to me love you".

Yoongi sat on his bed.

"I don't want to say I don't hate you, because some part of me is still mad-"

"You just want someone to be mad at, and if that's me then fine, be mad at me I don't care, now you know I love you", Jungkook didn't care. He just wanted Yoongi, he wanted him like crazy it wasn't fair.

"Jungkook, I'll be leaving-"

"And that breaks my heart because....cause..."

"Cause you?"

Jungkook sat beside Yoongi and stared at him deeply. "Because I never got to love you".

"I never got to tell you it until now and I never got to go on a real date with you, or-"

"I have to get packing".

"Fuck the packing", Jungkook said. "Did you just curse?" Yoongi was surprised.

"Yoongi, please I need you".

"What do you-"

"I don't have anything, and I can tell you don't...but please", Jungkook tugged on his shirt.

"Oh", Yoongi put the pieces together. "Jungkook-"

"Even if you 'hate' me right now, call me darling".

"Listen, darling, I don't think you-"

"I know what I want so just...", Jungkook sat himself on Yoongi's lap.

"God, Yoongi, I don't have any clue on what to do so just do something".



And so Yoongi stole Jungkook's first kiss.

It was nothing like how Jungkook imagined it when he was a little kid. It was no moon lit night under the stars, but rather an empty bedroom with a few clothes in the closet that was to the left.

Truth is he wouldn't have it any other way.

Yoongi's lips met Jungkook's and they were so sweet and addicting. The small noises Jungkook made were so cute Yoongi he kept on wanting to hear it.

Jungkook's mind was clouded with thoughts of Yoongi just him.

Each time their lips connected he craved it more and more.

Jungkook didn't even notice that Yoongi took off his sweater and he took off his own.

"Darling you're so so beautiful", Jungkook looked into Yoongi's eyes and they held the stars he imagined.

And so Yoongi took off everything and Jungkook did the same.

Jungkook laid down as Yoongi hovered above.

"Are you sure darling?" Yoongi asked.

"I am", Jungkook said.

"We don't have-"

"It's fine..." Jungkook looked into Yoongi's star filled eyes, "I trust you".

Yoongi worked Jungkook so he was ready and Jungkook didn't know what to expect.

Yoongi was...bigger than anticipated.

"Hold my hand darling", Yoongi said as he held Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook closed his eyes.

He felt Yoongi go and it hurt like hell, but it was Yoongi and somehow Yoongi knew Jungkook's body, he knew to slow down.

"Good job darling", Yoongi said as he was fully inside. "Oh my-"

Jungkook's voice went high, he held onto Yoongi's hands which were holding his legs apart from one another.

"Yoongi, Yoongi", Jungkook loved this too much. Yoongi was all his in this moment.

Yoongi loved the way Jungkook's hair was sticking to his forehead. He loved the way he said his name, he always did, but right now it was different.

Yoongi loved this moment just as much as Jungkook did. It was something they both wanted but could never bring themselves to say. The timing was never right. Fear of accidentally pushing the boundary was always on theirs minds.

None of it mattered anymore.

"Fuck darling", Yoongi became sloppy and Jungkook was already on his high.

"Wow", Jungkook whispered as Yoongi fell beside him.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook, feeling different.

Maybe because the sunset from his blinds were shinning through on Jungkook's face that made him look like a new boy. 

"You're looking at me funny, regret that we didn't use a-"

"No, I mean, you really...are beautiful Jungkook, the kindest soul, heart of gold boy".

Jungkook blushed.

"You aren't bad either Yoongi..."

The other boy laughed, "Are you sure? Because-"

"I'm sure".


"I see good in you everyday."

"That's because you make me want to be a better person".

Jungkook smiled.

He appreciated this moment.

He will forever.

Min Yoongi is his first.



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