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"JUNGKOOK QUIT RUNNING!" Yoongi was panting and was close to Jungkook. "WILL YOU JUST LET ME TALK! I KNOW YOU WANT TO HEAR ME-"

"Let's just go see Jin hyung", Jungkook had a mixed look of anger and sadness in his eyes, he passed Yoongi and hit him by the shoulder.


"Jin hyung", Jungkook walked back into the building while giving Yoongi a glare.

"Right", Yoongi wouldn't dare take away the spot light from his hyung.

Yugyeom couldn't believe anything that he was told, he was in shock, and he felt horrible. He immediately left.

Taehyung sat with Hoseok followed by Jimin with Namjoon who was next to Jihyo.

Jungkook left a seat next to Jihyo and Yoongi sat in between the two wishing he could just talk to Jungkook.

"Where's hyung?" Jungkook asked Namjoon, not bothering to look near Yoongi's direction.

"He'll be announced soon", Namjoon said back.

And sure enough Jin was called to walk the stage.

He had a small smile on. The smile he perfected that he wore so people assumed he was okay and happy. He wore it as he took his diploma.

And something in him made him turn around into the audience.

There he saw all his friends stand up yelling and smiling.

Jin began to smile ear to ear, he real smile. The only smile his friends could make.

For a split moment everything was fine because this is how things would've ended up regardless of who was together or who wasn't together. All the boys were meant to be there at Jin's graduation, cheering for him with their whole chest.

Jin was meant to walk the stage and turn around to see his friends there for support, for love.

It was set in stone for it to happen.

"Jin hyung!" Namjoon yelled out trying to get Jin's attention. Unfortunately so was everyone else, paparazzi, other students, parents.

"Please!" Namjoon was trying to fight the crowds.

"Yoongs I'm scared", Jihyo whispered as she held onto his arm. "Why?"

"Cameras, they'll see me and then- and everyone will know eventually that I h-have a-"

"Breathe", Yoongi knew exactly how she felt.

"Unbelievable", Jungkook said while passing him by.

Yoongi wanted to go but Jihyo was on the verge of having a panic attack and he didn't want that either.

"Go after him you dumbass", Jihyo pushed him away with her breath heavy.


"I said go dumbass!" Jihyo ran up to Jin pushing and shoving everyone. She took his hand and ran with away pulling him as his chauffeur was freaking out.

"GUYS LETS GO!" She called out to Namjoon and the others.

"What are-"

"Just go along with it pretty boy", she kept running and suddenly the camera were on Jihyo who was holding Jin's hand along with Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin running with them.

"JIHYO! MISS JIHYO! ARE YOU DATING JIN?" The questioned was asked once then asked a hundreds times after.

Tears began forming in her eyes, she knew how it would look when girlfriend would see the news.

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