C h a p t e r O n e : The Snatching

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r O n e : Snatching



The wind was breezing through my hair, as I stick my head out of the window. Betty and I had just came back for an epic end of the school year party, and it was a blast? See, Betty and I aren't one for partying but that was amazing. And our dresses were so cute! Betty was wearing a pink lacy dress while I was wearing a navy blue lace dress. We both were currently in the limo while smithers was driving us. I hate to admit but we were a little tipsy at the moment.

"Ok V, I hate to admit this but I actually had a good time," She stated.

"Yeah I know right! That was fun. Who knew that the HBIC could get drunk?" I laughed.

"Yeah did you see Cheryl she was drowning herself in beer!" Betty laughed.

"These are definitely the moments I am going to remember!" I sighed.

She smiled back at me. In that exact moment, all that was filled in that limo was a limo driver, 2 beautiful young women, and laughter. But what I didn't realize is how fast life can be taken away, how fast that happiness and laughter could be taken away. Within the blink of an eye, I heard a loud crash. Next thing I knew I was passed out on my dearest Betty's lap while she cried for help. My poor Betty...



We were coming back from a great summer party. Everything was going well until there was a crash. The car suddenly flipped and the glass fell everywhere. My cuts that were on my wrist started coming out and the glass shards were digging into my skin. I tried getting out of the car but I couldn't. Then I saw Veronica outside of the limo with a bleeding head and unconscious.

I needed to help Veronica so with all the strength that I had I hopped out of the car and rushed to Veronica. Veronica is my best friend. She was there for me in the darkest times. How could I let her sit here? I started crying for help but no one answered. I then heard footsteps. I was just whispering help until I felt a hand over my mouth. I then instantly saw darkness.



"This is really good!" I hummed as I ate my s'more. Archie my life long best friend and I were on a camping trip for the last day of school. We were in the middle of the woods where all you could hear were our laughter and the campfire.

"Dude you think everything is good," He chuckled. I laughed at his response. I loved food almost as my beanie. Everything was fine in that exact moment. No gangs, no drugs, no bullies. Just me and my best bud.
"Hey did you hear that?" Archie asked.

"It's probably just a squirrel," I commented. Then I heard another twig break but it was right behind a tree that was closest to us. I slowly walked towards the tree. I turned around to get bagned by the head. I then fell unconscious. Before I fell I heard archie run towards me and he could not be any stupider.



Jughead and I were at a camping trip to celebrate being seniors but when we heard something behind a tree Jughead got suspicious and went behind it to get smacked in the face by what seemed like the back of a gun. He immediately fell to the ground. I jumped up as fast as I could and went to him.

When I looked up I saw-, I immediately was smacked on the head which made me unconscious. I coulndt understand what was going on. Were we being kidnapped? Are we going to die? Is this all just a prank? One thing I know for sure is that this is definitely a bad way to start the summer of senior year.


A/N~ Hola chicasssss! So thank you for reading my new book! Yes, it is a fanfiction for the core four. Also, the chapters will get longer I promise! Make sure to comment and vote!💖💖💖

Also just a disclaimer I do not own any of the characters in this fanfiction. The characters are founded by the CW Riverdale.

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