C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n : The Thief, Dead Eye, And the Red Paladin

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  N i n e t e e n : The Thief, Dead Eye, And the Red Paladin

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I got out of the shower while wrapping a towel around my body. I walked out of the room and into the closet to pick an outfit to wear. I was feeling my normal self today so I decided to wear some black jeans and a pink sweater. I put my hair in a ponytail then did my makeup. I went into the kitchen and glanced at the clock that read 7:20 am. I had some time before school starts so I decided to make some pancakes.
"Hey, are you making pancakes?" Jug asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"No, I'm making pizza," I laughed flipping a pancake over.
"Even better," He whispered in my ear before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"I'll get zee plates!" He said in a french accent which lead a giggle to escape my mouth. After breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and followed Jug out the door.
"Did you finish the math homework we got?" Jughead asked.
"Nah, I'll probably finish it at lunch," I shrugged.
"So rebellious," Jughead laughed in a sarcastic tone. I punched him on the shoulder and got on the motorcycle. Jug wrapped his arms around me before I sped off to school.

I parked the motorcycle in the parking lot before getting off and tossing the keys to Jughead. I brushed off some dust off myself and took of my helmet shaking up my messy hair into something a little more decent. I looked around and saw everyone except for Veronica and Archie. Where were they?
"Hey Jug, do you know where Archie and Veronica are?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Archie said that the doctor recommended for Ron to stay in bed for a while. You know how stubborn Veronica is so Archie decided to stay with her," He chuckled.
"Yep, that's V for you," I smiled.
"So, about this 'Chuck in a hurry to get out of school' thing?" He asked, lacing his fingers with mine as we walked to first period.
"Right! I was thinking that maybe we could follow him after school? My gut is telling me that he's hiding something dirty," I whispered, sitting down in a seat.
"Well, do you think this is just grasping at straws or do you have an actual suspicion," He furrowed his eyebrows. Before I could answer the teacher came in and started writing stuff on the board.
"Ok, class! Today we are talking about poems! Specifically sonnet poems. Can someone explain to me what that is?" Mr. Walker asked.
I raised my hand before he pointed towards me wanting to answer the question, "Well they are usually the first thing you think of when it comes to poems. There are two common forms, both of which have lots of rules, should you want to follow the rules: the Petrarchan (or Italian) and the Shakespearean (or Elizabethan). Sonnets traditionally have 14 lines and are often about love, lost love, married love, forgotten love, the longing for love, etc, etc," I explained.
"Exactly, thank you Miss. Cooper for that explanation! But remember. In my class these rules are made to be broken," He stated.
"I didn't know you knew so much about poems," Jughead whispered in my ear.
"That's nothing. Sonnet it like my favourite type of poem to write. They are simple and captivating," I smiled back at him before glancing back at the board.
"Now, for your assignment I would like you to choose a topic and write a sonnet poem. Now it doesn't have to be a love poem or the ones that Betty gave. But it does have to follow an ABBA ABBA CDE CDE rhyme scheme. Are there any questions?" He asked. I looked around to see everyone staring blankly at the teacher.
"Ok... Get to work!" He exclaimed. I pulled out my notebook and started writing some phrases that could work. Then I realized that I could use some of the phrases from poems that I already wrote. I pulled out another journal that I hadn't opened in years.
"Hey what's that," He asked.
"Oh this?" I asked pointing at the journal, "Yeah, it's you know. Thing..." I gulped.
Jug furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"
"It's my grocery list. Yeah... I just wanted to see what I needed to get after school today," I smiled... kinda.
"You know, you have a crinkle between your eyebrows everytime you lie," He smirked. I quickly covered my eyebrows cursing myself.
"What is it?" He asked.
"My journal where I write poems," I mumbled quietly.
"What?" He asked confused.
"My journal where I write poems," I repeated but louder.
"No way! Can I read them?" He asked.
"Why not?"
"Cause they are bad!" I laughed, " Why else?"
"Please?" He begged, "If you do, I might consider getting a dog,"
"Consider?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Fine, we will get a dog!" He rolled his eyes.
"First the puppy, then the journal," I stated. He threw his head back and groaned.
Time passed and before I knew it, It was the end of the day. I waited outside in the parking lot for Jughead to come. It was taking a while which made me worry. I got my phone out and started texting Jug.

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