C h a p t re r T w e n t y s i x : Hangover

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t re r T w e n t y s i x : Hangover



"Betts, I love you so much! Don't ever forget!" I cried.
"No Juggie, please don't leave me," She cried.
My heart broke as I saw the tears drip down from her face. Her red stained eyes to her perfect kissable lips. She still looked so beautiful. Even when she was crying. Boy, was I so lucky to have met her.
"Bye, Betts" I sniffled holding back from letting any more tears escape. Moments later I was being pulled away from the person I love the most.
"No, Juggie, come back!" She tried fighting off the gargoyles that were holding her down to the dirt ground. But they were too strong all together. It was the only way to keep my Betty safe...

I shot up panting and sweaty. It was a cold and dark morning as the fall season started to come by. The season of spices and warm cuddles as you sit by the fireplace of your lover. The time where nights become longer as the days become shorter. I groaned as I felt light seeping through my eyelids. I got up letting my beautiful sleeping girlfriend out of my grasp. I went over to the window and closed the curtains. I got back on the bed and brought my Betty closer to me.
"Juggie, what time is it?" She mumbled into my chest.
"Not, time for you to wake up. Just go back to sleep. It's Saturday," I cradled her head in my arms. After the incident of fizzle rocks crashing Cheryl's party no one has been the same. To be honest, no one has been the same since Jason blossom's infamous death. They still haven't managed to catch the killer. There was a potential murderer roaming around the streets yet everyone still carried on with their lives pretending nothing happened. Well everyone except Archie, Veronica, Betty and I. We aren't fooled by the possessive spell of this small town called Riverdale.

Tomorrow Jellybean, my sister is going undercover. There is this feeling in my stomach, my gut you could say that is tearing me out alive. I can't help but think that something is going to go wrong. What happens if Jellybean dies? She is only 14-years-old. She has so much to live for...
"Jug? What's wrong? What in that enigma that you call a mind?" She slightly giggled while getting up. She started to play with my hair while she tried to observe the shallow expression on my face.
"Just a gut feeling telling me that Jellybean going undercover is a bad idea," I sighed.
"Wanna talk about it? Maybe you might feel some comfort after letting your emotions out" She stated sincerely.
"It's just the usual. Her out on the field and Ricky either stabbing her with a knife or the gargoyle gang kidnapping her,"
"I know you are worried and you have the right to be but if anything goes wrong, she is completely safe. Me and you will be inside the bunker hidden while Veronica and Archie will be guarding it on the outside incase someone tries to enter or exit," She pecked my lips before getting up and off the bed. But before she could leave I pulled her back and cuddled her like a teddy bear.
"Not this again," She whined, "Jug! I want to get up now!"
"No!" I stated like a 3-year-old.
"You are such a child," She sighed in defeat.



It was around 4-o'clock in the morning and the sun was already up to beat me to it. I just wanted to sleep. It was one of those October mornings where it was dull and chilly yet the sun managed to step out of the clouds just for a few minutes. It was the time for movie nights and hot coco. Well for the average person. For me however is different. It is the time for new gadgets and more actions. The sun started seeping through my eyelids as I tried to go back to sleep. I sighed, putting a pillow above my head.
'Wait, why does this pillow smell like Archie?' I thought. In Fact this whole entire room that I am in has a familiar smell to it. I tried remembering the events of last night but they were still a blur. I sighed getting up with a massive headache. I groaned getting up to close the curtains from the blinding light. It was quite chilly as I felt a breeze on my whole body. I turned back around to see Archie sleeping in his bed. I looked down to see myself only in my underwear and my bra. Then all the memories started flooding my head. I mentally facepalmed myself.

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