C h a p t e r T w e n t y e i g h t: Seize the day!

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y e i g h t: Seize the day!



"Betty? Betty!" I didn't understand what was going on. What did she mean and who she was on the phone with? She kept staring at me. It was like she had seen a ghost. Before I could say anymore She started shaking. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the shaking continued. Then it hit me. She was having a seizure. I grabbed onto her tightly trying to make her stop shaking. I clutched her head and brought it close to me. I kept praying hoping it would be over. What felt like an eternity she finally stopped shaking. Before she could fall, I gently caught her and brought her to the bed. After tucking her in I went into the kitchen to ind Archie snacking on a granola bar.
"Archie, call Veronica right now!" I demanded.
"Why? What happened? Is something wrong?" He asked getting up from his seat.
"Betty just had a seizure. But before she had is she was telling me something. Something about the Gargoyle king killing everyone," I stated pacing around.
"Wait what if it happened to Veronica?" Archie had wide eyes. He quickly got his phone out and started calling Veronica. Thankfully she picked up.
"Put it on speaker phone," I whispered.
"Archie? Is something wrong?" She asked confused as to why he was calling her.
"Are you ok? Is everything fine? Where are you?" He asked.
"I just dropped off JB to the trailer park and Iam headi-"
"Veronica? Ronnie?' I started to worry as Archie kept shouting into the phone.
"She's seizing," I mumbled, "Archie, go find her and bring the car!" I threw the keys at him.
"I'll stay here for when Betty wakes up," I said before he closed the door. I locked '1the door before heading into the bedroom. I went over to the side of the bed and stayed there. I wasn't planning on leaving until I know she is safe.



I closed the door behind me without even thinking. My only goal was to get to Veronica as quick as possible. I sprinted as fast as I could. I started to feel my legs getting weak but I kept running. I finally made it to the parking lot. I got into the car and drove way above the speed limit. Many thoughts were racing through my head but one in particular wouldn't get off the track. 'Is she going to be ok?' She could be passed out on the middle of the road or someone could have taken her. She could still be seizing. I didn't even know if she was seizing. I finally got to the sign which read 'Sunny Side Trailer Park'. I got out of the car and started looking around. I turned my head to see a man dressed in black bringing what looked like Veronica into the forest. I sprinted as fast as I could to the man.
"Hey! Let her go!" I yelled. The man immediately turns around. He wore a black ski mask. I couldn't tell if the man was scared or if it was all apart of his plan. He set her down against the tree and took off his ski mask. My eyes went wide. It couldn't be. How? How the hell did he get out of the cell?
"Hello Archibald, or should I say Archiekins," He smirked.
"Nick, you bastard! Get away from her!"
"See, that's not how it works. You have to do what I say," He laughed, "Now, if you want Veronica to be alive by the end of the night I need you to come with me."
"How do I know that you won't kill her?" I snapped back.
"See you don't know but you are still going to come with me because I have the hostage," He smirked.
"Now, come along Archiekins," He smiled.
"If I come with you at least let me carr Ronnie," firmly stated.
"Well I guess you could," He nodded. I quickly rushed over to Ronnie, cupping her cheek. She seemed perfectly fine.
"Don't worry, the drug that I gave Betty and Veronica aren't harmful. I was going to but if they found out the girls were harmed they would have my head," He said pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I sighed in relief picking up Ronnie bridal style.
"Show me the way," I stated in an angry tone. A smirk crept on his face before we started walking deeper into the forest.
Time passed and it was dark and cold. I looked down at Ronnie to see all of her angelic beauty shining in the moonlight. She was still asleep or passed out or drugged. It hadn't worn off yet which worried me. It was so cold you could see her breathing from the condensed ice crystals that formed in the air that we breathed.
I took a pause and let her down, "Hold on we need to take a break." I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her before picking her up again.
"Come on Andrews! I haven't got all day!" He growled. I kept following behind him until I saw an abandoned hotel.
"I'm not going in their with Ronnie," I cocked an eyebrow.
"Archiekins, let me give you some encouragement," He said before pulling out a silver gun. He looped it around his finger before pointing at Veronica's head, "Get inside and bring her too!"
I obliged and started walking closer to the building. But before I went inside I set off a silent alarm on my watch that is connected to the hotel. Betty, Jughead and Mr. Svenson should be coming on their way with backup...

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