C h a p t e r S i x : Jennifer Gibson?

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  S i x  : Jennifer Gibson?



"Jeez, how do the girls use these things?", Jug said after accidentally closing out of the program.

"I guess we have to start over now," I said, annoyed, "You know what, get up! I'll take it from here,"

"Or we could go down to the lab and make it their problem," He smirked. I laughed at his comment. We got up and zoomed off to the lab. I never really liked going into the lab because it really reminds me a lot of a hospital. Everything white and drowned with emotional scars. I've never had the best luck with hospitals.

"Hey, can you please analyze this for us?" Jug asked throwing the fizzle rocks on the counter. The lady gave us a glare and took the candy looking drugs.

"You will have to come down tomorrow and pick up everything," She said bluntly.

"Is there any way the process could go a little faster?" I asked politely.

"No." Jug and I both sighed in unison after walking out the door.

"Did you hear anything from the girls yet?" I asked looking up at him.

"No, actually. Maybe we should ca-" He was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Hello? Y-yeah O-ok," He stuttered seeming confused.

"What was that?"

"They said it was urgent and to meet them in their room," He stated.

"O-ok," We both zoomed off until we got to Ronnie and Betty's room. We both barged in to see both Veronica pacing around while Betty's hands were in her head.

"What's wrong guys? What was so urgent?" Jug asked going up to Betty and rubbing her back. I walked up to Veronica and stopped her pacing.

"Yes, Veronica and Betty. Do tell us. What is the emergency," Geraldine came in all of a sudden scaring us.

"Guys what is going on," Jug asked looking around. Betty and Veronica looked terrified like they saw a ghost.

"Oh come on. You shouldn't be keeping a secret like this from your boyfriends,"  She said seductively. She then started touching my abs as well as Jughead which I was really weirded out by.

"I swear if you lay a finger on them," Betty growled as both the girls got out their pink sticks extending them into spears.

"Oh really, what will you do?" She smiled then pulling two guns out of her pocket, "On the ground now hands above your head!"

Jug and I both compiled not wanting to get the girls hurt. I saw Betty start tearing up while Ronnie was raging with anger.

"You're not who you say you are. Are you?" Jug asked.

"Betty, why don't you tell your dearest Romeo who I really am?"

"You better get away from my fucking boyfriend right now Jennifer," Veronica growled.

"Jennifer?" Both Jug and I said in unison.

"Oh yeah, this child eating predator's name is Jennifer Gibson." Betty scoffed, "Tell me, Jennifer, how does it feel not being able to find your own man? How does it feel being a pedophile? All alone in your sporty car?" At this point, I had no idea what Betty was saying. That was until I saw Veronica sneak to the emergency button as Betty was distracting her. I swear those two are like twins. They have this telepathy and connection. They know when one is in trouble or one is sad. They always have each other's backs.

Geraldine tightened the grip on her guns as Betty came closer, "Tell me, how does it feel to have to hear me saying 'Faster Juggie! Oh, you're so big!' every night," She smirked mockingly.

"Let's face it. You're just a cougar. You're a cold sore that keeps coming and going. Just an annoying piece of shit!" Betty was now up close to her face. Just as she finished that sentence Ronnie hit the emergency button on the wall. Grundy's face immediately looked up.

"You little shit! I hate you!" She growled with tears in her eyes before jumping out of the window.

"Wait, no!" Ronnie and Betty shouted in unison. I  was still processing the fact that Ms. Grundy had just committed suicide.

We both looked at each other in complete awe at the fact that Betty has just led someone to commit suicide...


I had just lead someone to commit suicide...


A/N~HOLLAAAAAAA CHICCASSSSS! Sorry this was short but I promise you that the next ones are going to be prettyyyyyyyyy long! Anyways be sure to vote and comment on what you think. Byeeeeeeeeeee💖💖💖💖💖

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