C h a p t e r T w e n t y t w o : Breaktime

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y t w o : Breaktime

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"How are they?" Jug asked more about the relationship status of Varchie. I told him about what Veronica was going through. I am positive that she has survivors guilt. Which I don't blame her for. It was just sad seeing her shun away from Archie's touch thinking she might hurt him.

"Well, everything Archie touches Veronica she pulls away thinking she is going to hurt him more," I sighed. He rested his hand on my shoulder calming me down from the sleepless nights I have had either working on the case or spending my time here at the hospital with Veronica and Archie.

"Hey kids, how about I grab us some Pop's? Hermione said that ever since you came you didn't eat anything," Mr. Andrews asked.

"Thanks Mr. A" Jughead smiled. After Mr. Andrews left I took a seat beside Veronica's bed.

"Betts? When was the last time you slept?" Jughead asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uh..." I was trying to think of the last time I accidentally dozed off to sleep in one of these hospital chairs.

"See, if you have to think about it then that's not good," He sighed walking towards the chair beside me, pulling me onto his lap, "Go home, take a shower, have a nap and then come back."

"But Ju-" I was cut off.

"Nope. I don't want to hear it. I will kick you out of here myself if I have to!" He joked.I rolled my eyes and sighed thinking of how I could get out of this. Then an Idea sparked.

I pretended to get up and go outside but when I went out the door I immediately dashed so Jughead could think I would be getting into some mischief. He immediately sprung out of the chair and chased after me. I ran into the cafeteria with him still running after me. I paused to catch my breath at a table. But then he appeared and had me at the table. I was about to get caught until I saw that there was a food cart. I immediately pushed it in between us to slow him down. I laughed as he went around it. I dashed back to Veronica and Archie's room and locked Jughead outside. I laughed as he banged on the door with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You are so getting it tonight Betty Cooper," He growled. I just couldn't stop laughing. Well that is until I turned around to see both Veronica, Archie and the nurse all giving Jughead and I dirty looks.

"S-sorry, I thought you guys were sleeping," I gulped. I unlocked the door to see Jughead walking in also scared for his life.

"I was telling Betty to go home and take a shower. I wasn't apart of this!" He stated putting his hands up in surrender. I elbowed him in the gut which ended up hurting me instead.

"Ow! What the fuck Jughead?" I asked annoyed. "How many muscles can one person have?"

"Once again I didn't do anything. It was all you!" He smirked.

"Ok, guys! Why don't both of you go home and take a shower?" Archie asked. Both of us looked at each other and smirked.

"Ew gross!" Veronica gagged.

"Just go home, we are fine here!" Archie stated, "I need to talk to Veronica alone anyways," Jug and I both looked at each other confused before I mouthed to Veronica 'good luck'. I pushed Jughead out incase we caused any more trouble than we already have. I grabbed his hand sighing before walking out.

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