C ha p t e r T h i r t y t w o : Savor

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T h i r t y t w o: Savor

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"So, what is it?" Archie asked the nurse as we all huddled around. I had just awoken from my slumber and finally processed what was happening. The bearer of bad news has finally decided to show up. The nurse looked up at us and sighed.

"Veronica is currently unconscious and has lost a lot of blood. We can't say any more until she is awake as well. You are all welcome to visit her if you choose but try to be as quiet as possible. She, of course, has been through a massive amount of trauma and would not like to wake up to loud noises," The nurse explained.

I glanced at Archie wondering what he will do next. I grabbed Jughead's shoulder, turning him towards me and whispered, "Jug, Archie isn't in the right mindset to be making decisions. What should we do?"

"Let's just go in for now and let Archie see Veronica before he explodes. He needs to at least see her right now," He sighed resting his hands on my shoulder. I looked into his eyes as my eyes began to water. I couldn't handle the thought of V dying. We have been through so much. A world without Veronica is a world incomplete.

"Juggie..."I sobbed quietly.

"Hey-y, don't cry! She is going to get better! We all are going to get better, ok?" He stated bringing my head to his chest and he hugged me tightly.

"I can't imagine things without Veronica. I want her to be here," I cried into his shirt.

"She will be here soon. She will be up and walking, and being her normal self in no time. But for now, we need to help out Archie because I know he is also going through a shitty time," He said putting his finger above my chin making me look at him. I nodded slowly before following him into the recovery room.

It was dark as only a single lamp lit up the entire room. I looked around to see Archie holding Veronica's hand with a single tear dripping down his face. I Looked at Jughead before grabbing a chair and pulling next to Archie.

"Archie?" I asked for his attention. He looked up at him. More tears starting spilling from my eyes. He saw and wrapped his arms around me to bring me closer. Later I felt Jughead come into the hug as we all shared a tearful moment.

~Time pass~

After ages of crying Jughead and I decided to head home, get changed, maybe take a shower. We were also starving as well. We were here for at least a day now. I grabbed my jacket as well as Jughead's. I put mine on before helping Jughead with his jacket. I looked back at Archie, approaching him.

"You want anything from pops?" I asked sincerely.

"Nah, I'm ok,"

"Archie, you need to eat," Jughead stated.

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped. I looked at him to see his eyes still a bright rouge from the crying and his hair messy as ever. I turned around on my heels and linked arms with Jughead. We both walked out together as I was saddened at leaving Archie alone. I looked up at Jughead to see him deep in his thoughts.

"Hey Jug, what are you thinking about?" I asked as we got into the car.

"I was just thinking about the first time we all met," He smiled, "And how far our bond has come."

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