C h a p t e r T w e n t y f o u r : Party in the USA I

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y t h r e e : Party in the USA

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I woke up to the sounds of sizzling on a pan. The air was scented with a mix between eggs and bacon. I tried to get up but I was immediately pulled back down by the one and only Jughead Jones.

"Five more minutes, please?" He begged cuddling me like a teddy bear.

"Juggie we have school and do you not smell the delicious bacon and eggs from the kitchen?" I yawned.

"Please?" He hugged me tighter.

"Fine, but only for five more minutes," I smiled. I waited until he finally loosened his grip. I jumped out of bed which made him whine in frustration.

"Why do I always fall for that?" He asked rubbing his face.

"Because I am a great liar and you haven't found out my tell yet," I smiled. I walked into the bathroom before brushing my teeth. I picked out an outfit last night like I always do and put it on. I walked into the kitchen to see Veronica making breakfast with a sad look on her face.

"Hey V, why the sad face?" I pouted.

"Archie dropped me off from Pop's while I got drunk and had a hangover. He said that he will keep on protecting me and there is nothing that I can do about it," She sighed.

"Well then it's settled. Now get back together," I stated.

"I can't do that. I need to talk to him. I need to tell him that I am capable of protecting myself," She clenched her fist.


"What?" She yelled, probably from all the stress she has been under.

"Maybe you shouldn't go to school today. I catch you up on everything," I asked sincerely.

"No.I can't. I don't want to miss another day," She sighed, "And I need to talk to Archie."

"Ok, but if you feel like talking let me know ok?" I asked.

"Thanks B," She smiled, "Here you go! Bacon & Eggs for my meilleur ami de tous les temps."

"I have no idea what you just said but thank you!" I cheered giggling at her actions. Moments later Veronica went to use the bathroom, which made me all alone in the kitchen. Or so I thought. I then felt soft kisses being planted on my neck and they grabbed my waist.

"Someone is clingy today," I giggled.

"I'm just tired," He groaned, "I want to go back to California where there is no school, no cold days or gangs. Just us."

"Awe... Poor Juggie. There are totally less important things to whine about," I stated sarcastically petting his hair.

"So, is Veronica coming with us?" He asked wondering if we should take the car or motorcycle.

"I don't know. I forgot to ask," I sighed, "I think she might want to come with us though."

"Maybe you should ask. She is two rooms away," He chuckled.

"Hey V?" I yelled across the hotel, "Do you want to come with me and Jug to school?"

"Oh hell no! I am good with walking thank you very much! I don't need to see you making out 24/7!" She yelled even louder in disgust. I heard Jug snicker in the background while I tried to hold in my laugh. Once Jughead finished eating his breakfast we both grabbed our bags and headed out the door. I got my helmet on and started the engine while Jughead hopped on the motorcycle. I took my foot off the ground before taking off, on our way to school.

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