C h a p t e r E i g h t e e n : A Filler

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  E i g h t e e n: A Filler



"We need to get her to a hospital!" Jug panicked. I quickly picked her up and ran out the door along with Jug and Betty.

"It's too dangerous to go on the motorcycle, we have to run," Betty stated.

"It's ok, you guys meet us at the hospital, and bring a car or something," I said out of breath running off. I ran as fast as I could to the hospital with Veronica in my arms. About ten minutes later I made it to the entrance. I barged in asking for help. The doctors and nurses immediately came in with a gurney before I set Ronnie down on the bed.

"Can you please tell me what happened to her?" A doctor came and asked.

"She was tired the whole day. Once we got home she fell asleep but we tried waking her up and she wasn't. She hasn't eaten anything since Friday!" I panicked running my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Arch! Archie!" I heard Betty yell. I looked back to see both Jug and Betty running up to me.

"What happened? Is she ok?" Jughead asked.

"Yes... No... I don't know, they just brought her in," I cried.

Moments passed with just us waiting in the waiting room for hours upon hours. This was all my fault. I should have noticed her not eating anything lately. And she seemed nervous about coming to Riverdale. Wait, scratch that, Veronica is the definition of bewilderment. But she has seemed very secretive. I don't get it though. Why wasn't she eating anything?

"Archie!" Jughead yelled at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the doctor standing there.

"Oh uh sorry, continue,"

"Relationship to Veronica Lodge?" He asked.

"I'm her boyfriend," I stated.

"Does she have any family that we could contact?" He asked.

"Yeah I called her mom already," Betty said.

"Good, she is still asleep but you can go see her in room 22," He stated.

"Wait have you found out what's wrong with her?" Jug asked.

"I'm afraid we cannot release that information to you without her mother's consent," He sighed. I nodded and went into the room to see Ronnie hooked up to a bunch of wires and a mask on her face. I couldn't bare seeing Ronnie like this. All the life was sucked out of her. I grabbed the closet chair I could find and dragged it so it was next to Veronica's bed. I grabbed her hand in mine and studied it. Moments later Ms. Lodge came in.

"Oh my goodness!" She cried she ran to the other side of the bed and grabbed her hand.

"Arch, maybe we should give Ms. Lodge some privacy," Jughead sniffed. I got up and followed Betty and Jughead outside until I heard my name being called.

"Wait, Archie. I think Veronica would want you to be here when she wakes up," She stated. I gave her a small smile and sat back down resting my head on Veronica's stomach.

"Did the doctors tell you what happened?" I asked.

"Yes, she doesn't have enough food in her system to keep up with the activities that she does. They said I should consider taking her to a therapist. The problem with that is, we have already tried that and Veronica wouldn't even speak with emotion. It was like all the emotion was drained out of her. She wasn't opening up to anyone. And Betty barely scratched the surface," She sighed.

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