C h a p t e r S i x t e e n : Meet my parents!

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  S i x t e e n : Meet my parents!



I felt someone playing with my hair, which I enjoyed. I decided to keep my eyes closed though so I could sleep in a little longer. That was until I felt them stop playing with my hair.

"No! Why'd you stop?" I groaned.

"Because, you need to get up," She smiled while kissing my neck. She was about to get up but I wrapped my arms around Betty's waist tightly bringing her back to bed.

"Juggie! I need to get ready!" She whined.

"No, you don't," I hummed, nuzzling my face into her neck. I heard a sigh escaped from her mouth before she decided to give up.

"I hate you..." She groaned.

"I love you too," I smiled before going back to sleep. Or at least attempted. Next thing I knew, Betty got out of my grasp and started jumping on me like a four-year-old.

"Am I breaking the law for dating someone with the mental age of four?" I chuckled.

She grabbed a pillow and smacked me with it, "You little shit!" She giggled.

"Can we just stay five more minutes? This is our last day that we get to sleep in and cuddle. Remember we have school tomorrow?" I never thought I would be saying that in my life.

"Mmm, I guess you're right..." She thought about it.

"Good," I smiled before grabbing her and tossing her on the bed beside me as we slept.

Moments later I woke up to absolute silence. Weird. It was probably my mind telling me to wake up already. I got out of bed and went into the washroom to brush my teeth. I then went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. For a five star hotel, they don't have much here. Decided to go to Pop's. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it telling Betty that I went to Pop's to grab breakfast. I grabbed my keys before heading out the door and into the parking lot where I got on my motorcycle and drove. I didn't bother wearing a helmet because I liked the wind hitting my face. It was quite relaxing. I got off my motorcycle and went inside to be greeted by Pop.

"Hey Pop," I smiled.

"Hey Jug. What would you like?" He said in his normal cheery mood.

"Can I have two burgers and fries to go?" I asked.

"Sure thing," He smiled. I walked away and slid into a booth. I got out my phone that said I got a text message from Betty. But before I could read it I heard the bell ring indicating someone came in. Cheryl Blossom. The twin for yet another dead man in this town. I tried sliding down under the booth so she wouldn't see me but it was too late.

"Jughead? Is that you?" She cheerfully said.

"Uh I think so," I said bluntly.

"Wow, is it just me or did you get a major glow-up?" She asked sitting down across from me.

"Uhh," I didn't know what to say.

"I see you've lost the stupid beanie," She stated.

"I see you are still as fake as you used to be," I mumbled pulling out my phone reading the text message from Betty.

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