C h a p t e r F i v e : Red Shoes

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r F i v e : Red Shoes

Few weeks later...



"I'm only going to say this one last time. Where did you get the drugs from," Jughead said angrily. We were in the interrogation room with a man who was buying fizzle rocks. We were there for hours because he wouldn't crack.

"I-I don't know, please don't hurt me again!" He cried. I sighed and got up from the table. I grabbed a sharp knife from the other table. I slowly walked towards him before jabbing the knife in his thigh.

"See we had a rough day. I'm tired. My girlfriend is exhausted. I am sure you want to get out of here in one piece so I would crack if I were you." He smirked. I smiled back at him and winked. My black jumpsuit was starting to hurt from wearing it to much. I started to yawn which caused Jughead to glance up. He sighed, taking the knife out of his thigh and jabbing it again.

"Ok ok, just please kill me after this. I can't deal with the pain anymore," He shouted in pain.

"Speak," I yelled pulling his hair towards me.

"His dealings are always on the alleyways with the tied shoes on the electrical wires. If you look up you will see a pair of red shoes on the intersections or crosswalks. Just please ki-" Before he said anything I shot him in between his eyes. I sighed and walked out of the room followed by Jughead. He then picked me up bridal style and carried me to our rooms. Once we got to our rooms he put me down.

"Thanks, these heels aren't that comfortable," I said kissing him right after.

"Anything for you Cooper," He smirked.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" I giggled walking into his and Archie's room.

I pressed the button on the earpiece to communicate with veronica, "Hey V you need to go to any intersection where there is red shoes on the electrical wires above you," I said.

"Yeah we know. Archie and I managed to get a guy to crack up!" She stated.

"Ok see you soon," I smiled. I plopped on the bed and sighed.

"God do I love my job," I mumbled to myself.

"Yeah I think we love it too much," Jughead chuckled climbing on top of me which made me giggle. I smashed my lips into his and wrapped my legs around his torso. He started grinding his hips into mine which made me moan. His lips felt so good and it was a craving that I couldn't get rid of.



"Hey Archie the guy was right," I shouted to him. He came zooming back on his shoes to me.

"Really?" He asked , "We should look for some,"

"I think that is enough for today. You look tired. Here I'll ride us home," I said hopping onto the motorcycle. He sighed and hopped on grabbing my waist. I started driving off. As soon as we got to S.P.I.E.S Inc. Archie swooped me up and carried me on his back. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Awe thank you,"

"You deserve it Ronnie," He chuckled. To be honest I did. And besides, my legs were killing me. These heels aren't comfy at all. After we got to our rooms. I opened the door and instantly regretted it. Archie quickly shielded my eyes before closing the door after. Betty and Jughead were basically eating each others throats.

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