C h a p t e r N i n e : Chained to Justice

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r   N i n e : Chained to Justice



"Ah! What is wrong with you? You would think two girls like you would be into cheerleading or somethi-AH! Fuck!" He said while I stabbed his thigh with a knife.

"See Betty and I, well we are different. Not your average high school cheerleaders so I would start talking oh I might have to bring out the big guns!" I smiled. We were currently interrogating the perp that Arch and Jughead brought in. You could say he was being a bit stubborn.

"Now I will ask this one last time. Who is the mother fucking supplier?" Betty growled.

"I don't know his name but-AH!" I stabbed him in the other thigh.

"Lies!" I shot back at him.

"No, I swear but I know where he is," He begged.

I glanced at Betty then back at the dealer, "Speak."

"He just moved locations. I think it was somewhere near the east coast. It was a small town or something. I forgot what it was called," He said with a shaky voice.

"Shit," I mumbled, "That's Riverdale,"

"V," Betty said wanting my attention, "They are in Riverdale,"



"And that is the lab. So if you ever need anything analyzed or need to find out what is in something this is the place you go," I said pointing to the lab.

"Wow, you are so good at explaining Juggie!" Ethel chirped. I much prefer when Betty calls me that. It doesn't seem right for anyone else to say it.

"Please, call me Jughead," I said trying to be nice.

"Anyways right here is the emergency room so if one of us is in trouble the emergency room is close by so there won't be any delay," Archie said. She skipped through the window and observed everything that was happening.

"She is getting on my nerves," Archie mumbled in my ear.

"Yeah. I'm trying to be nice but I can't hold it in any longer," I mumbled back.

"Where to next?" She asked.

"The training room I guess," I said in a monotone voice.

"Cool! Oh uh, Juggie my legs are hurting," She whined. I cringed at the name.

"Uh, we could continue this another time or-"

"Archiekins can you carry me?" She batted her eyelashes. I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore. Archie gave me a death glare which caused me to shut up.

"Ethel I have a girlfriend and I think you know that,"

"I know but can't a friend help another friend?" She hopped on Archie's back without question as he groaned from her weight.

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