C h a p t e r E i g h t : Blood Sacrifice

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  E i g h t : Blood Sacrifice



"Jug! Archie! It's Betty!" Ron called out for us.

We both rushed to Betty's side, "How could she have been poisoned thought?"

"I don't know but we gotta get her to the hospital quick!" Veronica stated. We all zoomed off to the Emergency room.

"What happened?" The doctors came rushing it to take Betty out of my hands.

"She just started having pains in her stomach then she collapsed!" Archie said for me. I was not in the proper mindset to be listening to my surroundings. All I could hear were Betty's groans from pain. She couldn't have been poisoned. How?

"Please take a seat, I'm sure you will be here for a while," the nurse said guiding us to the chairs.

Moments later the doctor came in. He had a concerned look on his face, " Do you all know anything about her allergies?"

"Uh yes she is allergic to penicillin," Veronica replied.

He sighed, "Do you know about any drugs or medication that she is taking?"

"Yes, Antidepressants but that is it," she said.

"She may have had an allergic reaction. Do you know where or how she might have ingested it?" The doctor asked.

"We think it might have been the milkshake she had. It might have been poisoned,"

"For all of you that are wondering, she is doing fine now but she won't be able to have any visitors," The doctor pointed out. Veronica and Archie came and sat beside me. I didn't know how to reply to anything that was happening. I didn't want her to leave too.

"Jughead, you ok," Archie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine because the love of my life on her deathbed, so yeah Arch I'm fine, how are you?" I scoffed.

"Betty is going to be fine. She has an allergy but it isn't a severe one. Trust my Jug, don't worry," Veronica said calmly. She patted my back as I just kept my head in my hands, not wanting people to see me crying.

"Betty Cooper?" Five minutes later the nurse came in.

"That's us," Archie said. We all got up in unison.

"She is awake now, you may go see her,"

We all walked in and saw my poor Betts lying in a hospital bed with wires around her. I quickly ran to her side and grabbed her hand.

"Hey Betts," I smiled with a tear running down my cheek.

"Juggie," she managed to croak out.

"It was the milkshake from Pop," Betty said panicking.

"Hey calm down, I think we already established that." She sighed and laid back down.

"How much longer do I have to be here?" She whined. I chuckled at her actions. s

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