C h a p t e r T h i r t y t h r e e : Aborted

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T h i r t y t h r e e : Aborted



The world seemed to slow down. I felt the bad news approach me but I refused to accept it. He grabbed my hand attempting to relieve the tension. However, I was still at the edge of my seat. I quickly observed him. He seemed like he was crying. His red puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, chapped lips, and his messy hair. He had stayed here for days I'm assuming. How long was I out for? The pain that lurked in my stomach still remained, however, it was less. I wasn't able to move my legs. They must-have put an epidural on me.

"Ronnie?" I looked up at him and we remained eye contact for a few seconds.

"Ronnie, whatever I'm about to tell you, just know that I will be here for you and you will get through this,"

"Archie, you're scaring me," I warned.

He sighed before exhaling, "I got a call from the hospital, they brought some bad news to me while you were out."

"Ronnie, your Mom died from your Father's abuse. He fled the scene before he could get arrested. Before it happened, Nick sent you some texts, I think he may have put a hit on her for ruining his plan. Ronnie, I'm really so- ... "

"M-my mother died?" I asked as my eyes started to sting.

"Ronnie, I'm really sorry," He stated, touching my hand. I flinched at his gentle touch. Something I would never do. I looked at him to see shame and guilt.

"Thank you for telling me," I said. I put my hands on my lap waiting for his next move.

He put his finger under my chin, lifting my head up, "It's ok to cry Ronnie, it's only me here-"

Before he could continue we heard a knock on the door. I looked up to see a nurse standing there with a clipboard in hand, "Veronica, I'm glad you are awake. I would like to discuss a few things with you."

I nodded my head before she took a seat, "Veronica, right now you have an epidural. It will relieve some of the pain but not all so try not to move around. Now let's talk about the miscarrige."

"What?" Both Archie and I said in unison.

"The baby, you had a miscarriage. I'm very sorr-"

"What the fuck? I was never pregnant!" I yelled.

"Ms. Lodge, I understand you are waking up with some trauma-"

"I was pregnant?" I mumbled.

"I-I lost our baby," I stated.

"Our baby died because of me!"

I started sobbing uncontrollably. I grabbed Archie's shirt bringing him closer to me, "I'm so sorry Archie! I killed our baby," I cried.

"Ronnie, hey it's ok-"

"NO, it's not! This is all my fucking fault! I fucked up! I fucked up big time! I didn't even know I was pregnant!" I yelled/sobbed, banging my head against the bared headboard.

"Ronnie, stop!"

"No, I don't deserve to be here!" I cried, "My Mom is dead, our baby died!"

"I lost two lives because of me! It's all my fau-" Before I could continue, I felt dizzy. I glanced up at Archie who looked concerned before, fainting.

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