C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n : Like a Marshmallow

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  T h i r t e e n  :  Like a Marshmallow



"How heavy can an old guy get?" I groaned while walking back to S.P.I.E.S, "Like he was 200 lb back over there and now he's 400 lb!"
"How far did this man take us?" Ron mumbled looking at the hologram on her watch.
"Where are we right now?" I asked.
"Fox Green forest," She said confused of why. I looked up from her watch to see a fire and a bunch of people surrounding it. I immediately stopped Veronica.
"Jug I'm trying to get out of this place can you not?" She asked. I pointed to fire. She glanced back at me then started walking towards it.
"Ron! Stop! What are you doing?" I whispered violently.
"I'm getting a closer look," I followed behind her. I pulled out my glasses and pressed the record button incase we needed it for evidence.
"Oh my god," Veronica gasped. It was a bunch of men in leather jackets with gargoyle masks and a big tall moving tree with antlers.
"Why is the tree moving?" I whispered a bit too loud. The men turned around saw us.
"Jug quickly, press the button on your shoes and speed off," Veronica yelled. I obliged and ran as fast as I could with Ronnie beside me, and the man still on my back...
"Jug,where are we now?" She asked. The sun has yet to come out so it was a little bit dark. I looked up to see a vibrant neon sign.
"I think we're at Pop's" I stated, "Thank god though because I could go for a burger!"
Veronica immediately stopped me causing me to look back, "We can't go in there with him. I looked in his wallet and he is a famous entrepreneur. People will recognise that an unconscious body is on your back!"
"Oh I forgot about him," I laughed, "But you're right we should start heading home," Moments passed after we left Pop's we took the longer route because no one went there, so no one would see us. We were walking on a trail when Veronica tripped and fell.
"Veronica what was that?" I laughed. I looked over to see a small whole in the ground.
"Oh god are you ok?" I asked kneeling down.
"No!" She groaned in pain. Wow she felt pain! It must hurt really bad then.
"Can you walk?"
"Yes, I-I'm f-fine," She got up but then immediately regretted it.
"Ow!" She groaned.
"Are you sure? I can cuff Papa poutine to a tree and I can carry you! We can get him later," I stated.
"No, let's go!" She stated. I sighed and kept on walking. The whole trail was filled with groans in pain caused by Veronica. I have a feeling she sprained her ankle but I didn't know that she had a weak spot for her ankle. I mean she is really good at hiding pain so you would assume that a sprained ankle wouldn't be anything. But you should still get it checked out.
"And we are here!" I smiled looking up at the building.
"I can walk a little further. Come we have to get him into the interrogation room," She took one step and immediately fell which cause her to scream in pain.
"Ronnie!" I heard someone shout from afar. I looked over my shoulder to see Archie dashing towards us and picking up Veronica.
"What happened?" He stated wanting an answer immediately.
"We were hiking up a trail trying not to be seen then she may have twisted her ankle. She said that she could walk," I stated, placing Papa Poutine down and putting him on a bench while cuffing him.
"Relax Archie, I'm fine. I just tripped. You can let go of me!" She whined.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes now Jughead let's go-Argh!" For the fifth time today she screamed in pain. Archie picked her up and brought her to the med lab.
"Hey can we get a gurney here? She hurt her leg and can't walk!" I yelled while walking into the room followed by Archie.
"May I ask what happened?" An old lady came and approached us while Archie laid Veronica down on the gurney.
"Yeah we were hiking on a trail then she tripped and fell from a whole."
"Relationship to the patient?" She asked.
"Close friend,"
"And you?" She asked pointing to Archie.
"I'm her... Ex-boyfriend," He cringed at the word 'Ex'.
"Ok follow me," We walked into yet another white room and Veronica laying down on the bed trying to go to sleep.                           
"Hey Veronica," I asked trying to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open, " I know neither of us have slept but you should stay awake so they can take the X-ray,"
"No I want to go to sleep!" She whined using her coat as a blanket, "We went to Pop's, the. Your dad,s trailer and then a forest filled with gargoyles and then here! I deserve a-" before she could finish a doctor came in.
"Ok, so by the looks of it you may have multiple fractures but we are still going to do an X-ray," He smiled taking Veronica away.
"Wait what happened between you two?" Archie asked confused.
"I'll tell you when Veronica is here," I sighed. The tension in the room was so obvious.
That was until Archie broke the silence, "Hey dude, I just want to let you know that I'm really sorry for not telling you. It was a long time ago so I just didn't think it was relevant and-"
"Arch, it's ok. I forgive you," I smiled putting my hand on his shoulder. He gave me a confusing face.
"What why?" He asked.
"Because you're a good guy and I know you kept this secret because you didn't want to hurt me,"
"Damn, looks like the writer in you has come out to play," he chuckled.
"Yep it has for the whole night!" I sighed. After hours of just sitting down in the waiting room catching up on what had happened last night I heard someone call my name.
"Juggie?" I heard a soft voice say. I looked away from Archie to see a sight for sore eyes although I still managed to feel the pain that she had left behind all over again.
"What are you doing here?" I asked bluntly.
"I heard what happened to Veronica and I wanted to see how she is doing," She shrugged her shoulders and sat beside me.
"So want to tell me why you didn't come back to the hotel?" She asked placing her hand on my shoulder.
I took her hand off my shoulder and guided it to her lap, " Veronica and I went out,"
"Wait. You and Veronica?"
"Yes is there a problem?" I asked.
"Uh," Before she could finish the doctor came to see us.
"We don't have the X-ray now but you can go and see her. She is in room 205," He smiled. I quickly got up and went inside the room to see Veronica asleep.
She immediately woke up as she felt a presence in the room, "Hey," She smiled at me but it quickly disappeared after seeing Archie and Betty here.
"What are they doing here?" She asked.
"Moral support I guess," I shrugged my shoulders.
"Hey V, how are you feeling?" She asked softly.
"I am ok. Thank you for checking up on me but you can go now Elizabeth," Damn! She said her full name.
"V don't be like that," she sighed.
"I asked you to leave. Didn't I?" Betty sighed and went out of the room.
"Veronica I think you should lay low for a little bit. Try not to get your temper up," Archie stated.
She sighed, "I guess you're right. Hey can I have some pain killers. My leg is hurting really badly,"
"Wait your leg?" I asked, "I thought it was your ankle,"
"No my whole leg was hurting but if I told you that you would have abandoned Papa Poutine on the side of the road," she laughed.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah cause I didn't want your leg getting even more jacked up!"
"Hey I can go ask the doctor for some pain killers if you want me to?" Archie asked.
"Thanks Archiekins," She smiled sincerely. He went out of the room to look for the doctor.
"So you're starting to forgive Arch and not Betty?" I asked.
"I see you are doing the exact same," She smirked.
"It's just that when it comes to friends and family with Archie, he is like this marshmellow that wouldn't possibly think of doing to hurt someone. He would never mean to hurt me. That's why he kept the secret. That's why I love you him. But Betty. It's so much more than that! She has been so distant. Before all this it was like we could sense when someone was in danger and now I barely even know her," She said with a sad look on her face.
"Funny, those are the exact words I told Archie," I chuckled.
"Great minds think alike!" She smirked.
"Hey Ronnie, the doctor said he will be here soon with the X-ray results and some pain meds," He smiled sitting down on a chair beside the bed next to me.
"Thank god! My leg is killing me!" She exaggerated.
"I don't get it, you don't look like you are in pain!" I laughed.
"That is exactly what I thought Care to explain?" Archie asked.
"You know how I do karate right?" We both nodded our heads, "We do these pain exercises. It helps us channel our pain into another emotion like anger or laughter. People would keep on punching each other until we wouldn't feel pain,"
"I don't know if that's sad or cool," Archie replied.
"No, it was cool! Our sensi was the funniest person in the world! He was also super nice," She reassured us. Just then I heard a knock on the door.
"Ms. Lodge we have your results," The doctor stated.
"I have a question," I asked.
"As away,"
"Do you play poker because you have one of the best poker faces I have ever seen in my life!" I laughed.
"No Mr. Jones I do not play poker. Although thank you for the observation," He smiled.
"Veronica, you have some serious injuries in your leg," He sighed.
"Wait, I'm confused. Did you say injuries. As in plural for injury?" She asked.
"Yes, you have dislocated your leg and you broke your ankle along with a fracture in your toe! What were you doing?" He asked.
"Hiking," She shrugged her shoulders.
"In heels?" He replied.
"Uh yes..."
"Anyways, we can't relocate it right now because it may cause damage to your ankle which can lead to you being on crutches for at least two years so you are going to have to wait until the fracture and broken bone in your ankle has healed at least half way to relocate it," The doctor stated.
"So what are you saying?" Archie asked.
"She is going to have to stay in a wheelchair for at least a month," He stated.
"What?" She asked.
"You have to stay in a whe-"
"No I heard you! I can;t stay in a wheelchair! At least put a cast on it and give me crutches!"
"We can put a cast on but you can't have crutches otherwise it will cause pressure in your leg,"
"I have a job that requires me to run," Veronica whined.
"Hey Ronnie, relax Mr. Svenson will understand if you took some time off. You have worked really hard for the past few days, you deserve a break," Archie stated calming her down.
She sighed and looked up at him, "I don't want people to feel pity,"
"And that's fine Ron. They will understand if you ignore them. You aren't weak. It's only human to break a bone or two," I reassured her.
She sighed, "Fine..."

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