C h a p t e r F i f t e e n : Reunion

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r F i f t e e n: Reunion



I woke up to see a bunch of posters of famous bands on the wall and blue on the wall. Then I realized I was only in my underwear. Well, last night went well.  I looked down to see Archie's hot breath on my neck and his arms wrapped around me. I smiled at the thought of last night. We both finally have some privacy and don't have to share a room with anyone else but ourselves. Well, there is Mr. Andrews which I incredibly feel bad but we had dinner and the evening because he was going to Chicago. So after today, we will have the whole day to ourselves. I gently god up, unwrapping Archie's arm around myself so I don't wake him up. I got up but then immediately forgot I couldn't walk. I came crashing down on the floor which made a loud 'thump'. Archie immediately shot up, panicked.

"What happened? I'm awake!" He stated. He then looked down on the edge of the bed to see me lying on the floor in pain.

"Archiekins, mind helping me up?" I groaned. He quickly jumped out of bed and picked me up.

"My God, Ronnie! You're asking for trouble," He said shaking his head.

"That's me alright," I smiled pecking his lips.

"Damn, seeing your girlfriend naked on the floor grunting in pain is not something you see every day," He started putting on a shirt and some joggers. I laughed as he threw me one of his shirts. After he helped me get changed he picked me up and brought me downstairs. He gently laid me down on the couch. I glanced into the kitchen to see Mr. Andrews making pancakes.

"Morning Mr. Andrews," I smiled yelling from the living room.

"Morning Veronica! Pancakes?" He yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes please!" I smiled.

"How's your leg?" He asked.

"It's a bit sore but I'm fine," I smiled.

"Though it would be, considering all the screaming I heard from Archie's bedroom," He cooed. I glanced back at Archie in shock.

"I told you to be quiet!" He mouthed.

"You were just as loud," I mouthed back.

"Guys relax!" Mr. Andrews chuckled, "I'm fine if you are using protection,"

"Yes dad we are can we please move on," He whined.

"So, Mr. Andrews you never really told us why you are going to Chicago. Are you visiting someone?" I asked curiously.

"Well Archie, your mother called. We are going to finalize the divorce," He stated. Archie had a completely shocked look on his face.

"I didn't know it was that serious," He stuttered.

"Arch, I know this is tough news but don't worry about it, ok?" Mr. Andrews smiled.

"Yeah sure," He plastered a fake smile on his face.

Moments later we helped Mr. Andrews pack the rest of his things and head off. I could see it on Archie's face that he was depressed about this. It's not like him to be sad but when it comes to the family he has such a sore spot for it.

"Goodbye, Mr. Andrews," I sighed. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug which he hugged back. I then stepped away and gave him a small smile.

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