C h a p t e r T w e n t y o n e : Risks In Everything

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  T w e n t y o n e : Risks in Everything

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"Relax B! You are just telling her the plan. It's not that hard!" Veronica stated through the phone.

"V, I don't think I can do this. I'm gonna go," I cried turning away from FP's trailer.

"Betty, I swear to god! If you turn around, I will tell Mama Cooper all the kinky shit you do with Jughead!" She growled. I sighed looking back at FP's trailer. Was it worth it?

"Stop being such a pussy!" She laughed.

"I'm not a pussy!" I whined.

"Pussy!" She mocked.

"No I'm not!" I replied.

"Then show me!" I sighed hanging up the phone and walking back to the trailer. I climbed up the wooden rickety steps. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Seconds later Jellybean came rushing to the door. I heard FP asking who it was.

"Oh, hey Betty! What brings you here?" She smiled.

"Hey, just checking in," I smiled, "Can we talk for a sec?"

"Totally! You can come in. Is Veronica with you?" She asked. Once again, I felt a stab to the heart. I know I shouldn't be jealous of my own best friend but how could you not? She was perfect. She had everything. She has the body, the sass, the looks, the smartness. She's the full package.

"Oh no, she's with Archie," I replied walking into the small trailer to a nearby couch. I patted the seat beside me for her to come join.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something but how about we go to Pop's first? Maybe we can get some donuts," I smiled.

"How did you know I like donuts?" Her eyes widened.

"A little birdy told me so," I giggled.

"Come on, lets go," I smiled. We both got up and headed to the door. I got outside and got on my motorcycle offering my helmet to her which she took.

"Wait what about you? What if you get hurt?" She asked.

"I'll be fine don't worry," I replied. I started the engine and let my foot go off the ground to push the pedal. I could tell she loved riding motorcycles. She looked so happy and bubbly. She kind of reminded of me when I first rode a motorcycle with Jughead. It was amazing. The feeling with the wind in my hair and the view was the best part. I parked the bike into the parking lot and got off, helping Jellybean as well.

"Thank you!" She chirped. She seems extremely happy for a fourteen year old which made my day. I opened the door as she walked in and picked a booth for us to sit in. Seconds later Pop came to take our order.

"Hey ladies! What would you like?" He asked.

"Well I think you have to ask Jellybean here," I smiled nodding to Jelly.

"Wait, I can get whatever I want?" Her eyes widened.

"Ok relax! I don't want your brother coming after me from you getting a sugar rush!" I warned her.

"Well then I will have two donuts and Betty will have a basket of fries," She smiled.

"How do you know what I like?" I asked confused.

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