C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n : Highschool Reunion

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  S e v e n t e e n: Highschool Reunion

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"Juggie come on! We are going to be late!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Why is school so early?" He groaned.

"Here, I made pancakes," I said putting the plate in front of him.

"Thanks," I wiped my hands on the apron and took it off. I tightened my ponytail and packed my things in my bag. We got a lot of new gadgets to play with. I was so excited! I couldn't wait to see everyone and all their faces once they see us. Not many people knew that we were back so it was going to be a surprise to everyone. I never thought I would make it to senior year! I'm just glad I get to go on the first day of school, otherwise, there would be a lot of catching up to do which means more homework.

"Are you ready? I asked walking back into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I guess," He sighed.

"Why aren't you wearing your beanie? I literally never see you wearing it ever!" I laughed.

"I guess I've just grown out of it. I do still have it though," He said pointing to the closet.

"Well I like your hair with or without a beanie," I smiled massaging his scalp.

"I would love for you to continue this but apparently we have school," he sighed.

"Ugh!" I groaned getting off his lap. I slung my bag over my shoulder and went out of the door. I got on the motorcycle, after Jug and wrapped my arms around his torso holding tight. And off we went. Once we got close enough to the school people started turning their heads. Probably because the motorcycle made a pretty loud noise. Jughead parked at the back of the parking lot and took off his helmet shaking his hair up. You could say he looked incredibly sexy right now. I took off my helmet to hear a bunch of people, probably the football team catcalling me. Or at least I thought. I turned around to hear another motorcycle coming. I knew it was Veronica and Archie. I looked towards them to see Veronica in black tight jeans and black collared shirt with her classic hood that made her look more of an enigma than she already posed to be. I smiled and waved my hand wanting them to come park beside us. Soon after I forgot the whole school was staring at us.

"Damn, Betty the badass Cooper is coming out to play," Veronica smirked. The boys went off to the first period in Science while Veronica and I had Math. All four of us smiled walking through the halls. It was like we were in slow motion like it was a scene from a movie. I gave Jug a quick kiss before linking arms with Veronica. I walked into class. All the students' heads turned. Both Veronica and I found a seat at the very back so we decided to sit there. I plopped my backpack down and in the chair followed by V.

"So, this is kinda awkward," V whispered in my ear.

"Remember the real reason why we are here. Just ignore them all," I replied. She nodded.

"Find anyone suspicious yet?" I asked.

"There are a few people I have in mind. Have you seen Ethel?" She asked.

"No, but she is probably in the library or something," I stated. Moments later Mr. Watson came in.

"Ok! Hello class! Welcome to the first period. Many of you remember me from last year but if you need a reminder I am Mr. Watson and you will be in my Math class for the rest of the semester," He stated.

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