C h a p t e r T w o : The White Room

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w o : The White Room



I woke up to the biggest headache ever! Where am I? How did I get here. The last thing I remember was getting into a car crash and holding V in my lap until someone came and dosed me. Wait, Veronica! I shot myself up to scream in pain. I opened my eyes to see two other boys beside Veronica. One of the boys with the red hair was wrapping her bandages while the other was cleaning the cuts. Veronica was still passed out. The boy with the beanie quickly turned his head.

"Arch, she's awake!" He said.

"What happened?" I croaked, "How long have I been here and who are you?"

"I'm Jughead and Archie is right over there. We both got kidnapped and I can't even remember how long it has been. I am assuming the same happened to you," He said softly.

"Here, drink some water. That's all they left us with besides the first aid kit," He chuckled a bit.

"Thank you," I smiled, "Oh uh you can call me Betty and that's my best friend Veronica. Thank you for taking care of her,"

"No worries but I should probably clean your wounds just lay down for me and I'll be right back," He said getting up.

Honestly he was really cute. I obeyed and laid down on the white bed. He came back with some rubbing alcohol and bandages.

"Ok, this might hurt a little bit so just squeeze my arm if you feel pain," He cooed.

"Ok," I smiled. He took the alcohol and started cleaning my wounds. I grabbed his arm and damn was it muscular. I started squeezing it really hard. Before I knew it he was all down and I was bandaged up. I started getting up until he told me to stop.
"Woah! Where are you going?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I need to see V!" I demanded.

"You shouldn't be getting up right now. Don't worry though, Archie said she was fine," He said rubbing my arm. I felt a spark from him as he touched me.



My memory was blurry and my eyelids felt like they weigh a ton. I got up from the bed to see a red haired boy sitting beside me rubbing my arm as I heard Betty call my name. I looked around to see both me and betty and two other boys in a white room with two beds.

"B?" I managed to croak out.

"V!" Betty cried in happiness. I was assuming that I was out for a while.

"You're awake," She smiled. Betty was on another bed sitting beside a boy with a crown shaped beanie. I then glanced back to that other guy that was sitting beside me and boy did he look handsome. I looked at my wounds to see them all cleaned and bandaged though I was still sore.

"Did you do this?" I asked the red head.

"Yeah, Uh my name is Archie and that's Jughead," He said putting his hand out. I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Veronica and thanks for helping me and my friend,"

"Yeah no problem,"

"So where are we exactly?" I asked while getting up.

"Well in a white room with two beds a first aid kit and water but no food,"
Jughead stated. I got up and hugged Betty.

"Gosh, am I glad you are with me," I giggled. She smiled back. I looked at her cuts to see if they opened back up.

"Awe Betty," I sighed looking at her wrist, "You poor thing, these look like they are recent. Maybe two days ago. Betty nodded. I pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry V, I couldn't help it," She cried as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Not that you guys don't look gorgeous but do you guys need a sweater?" Jughead offered taking off his jacket.

"Nah, We'll manage," I thanked.

"Well I wasn't really asking," Archie came up from behind putting his jacket around me. I smiled at his actions. I sat back down on the bed where Archie was now. I rested my shoulder on his shoulder as he petted my hair. For some reason I could already tell we were going to be closer than we think...


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