C h a p t e r E l e v e n : Early Bird Gets the Worm

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  E  l e v e n : Early Bird Gets the Worm



I was awoken by cute snoring to get ready for yet another day. I looked down to see Ronnie sleeping on my chest. I carefully got up not waking Veronica. I looked out the window to see the sunlight seeping through the trees. I glance back at Ronnie to see her cuddling a pillow which led a chuckle to escape from my mouth. I got ready and brushed my teeth before waking Ronnie.

"Ronnie. Time to wake up," I said gently shaking her. Then an idea popped into my head. I started trailing kisses down her jaw then, to her collarbone. She started to stir. I started sucking on it hard leaving a slight bruise. I then heard a moan escape from her lips. I climbed back up to her.

"Good morning, beautiful," I smiled.

"Why did you have to stop!" She whined.

"Because we have a flight to catch!" I smiled getting off the bed pulling her with me. She then immediately plopped back down on the bed. I chuckled at her actions. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I went back to Ronnie who was already half asleep and picked her up bridal style. I placed her on the counter and helped her take off her clothes.

"Now go because I don't want to get wet," I demanded.

"You're so demanding," She whined walking in.

After Veronica finished getting ready we both went to check on Betty and Jughead. Not to my surprise I also see them sleeping. I rolled my eyes as Ronnie giggled looking at me.

"Wow. Why are you so stressed? It's 5:30 in the morning. Of course, they are going to be sleeping," She smiled patting my cheek.

"I don't know, our flight leaves at 6:30 and knowing Jughead for a while now, he tends to stall," I said. I look back at the couple to see all their limbs tangled together. I sighed thinking of what to do.

"How are we going to wake them up?" I asked.

"I have an idea," She snickered. She took off her heels and ran as fast as she could then jumped on top of Betty and Jughead. I couldn't help but laugh. Both Betty and Jughead shot up in shock.

"What the fuck Ron? Why'd you do that?" Jughead growled.

"Yeah, Veronica just go back to sleep!" Betty said pulling the blankets over her and going back to sleep. Seconds later she fell asleep as did Jughead.

"Ronnie I have an idea," I whispered asking her to come closer.

"Get a bucket and fill it with cold water," I whispered. Veronica snickered and brought a bucket of water with some ice in it as well.

"With ice too?" I smirked.

"I knew where you were going with this so I decided to make it a bit more enjoyable," She smiled innocently. I carefully walked over to Jug and Betty. Once I was at a safe distance I looked back at Ronnie who had her camera out which made me laugh. I turned around and through the ice-cold water on both of them. They quickly shot up panting while looking around.

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