C h a p t e r T h i r t y o n e : Invasions

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T h i r t y o n e : Invasions



"Please tell me this is everyone who saw us?" Archie asked, dragging a pile of unconscious bodies to a corner.

"That's all I saw," I whispered. It was dead silent. All you could hear was the dripping of water leaking from the rain that seeped through the ceiling. Drip. Drip. Drip.

"Ronnie? You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fi-" I got interrupted by our watches beeping. I checked the tracker to see that two spies were in the same building as us.

"Betty and Jughead must be here!" He stated.

"No! No! No! They can't be here. It's too dangerous!"

"Yeah you think I don't know that?" Archie scoffed.

"Ok, what are we going to do right now?"

"Right now we have to get you out of here and go to a hospital," He replied with full determination. I looked up at his head to see the scar bleeding even more. I didn't want him bleeding out. But their was nothing I could do. I sat their hopelessly as Archie went looking around for a way out.

"Archie, you ok?" I asked softly.

He nodded with a soft smile, "I'm fine Ronnie. I found a way that we could go. I took some pictures of the lab as evidence as well as the supply closet. We should get going now."

I was worried for him. He had multiple scars on his legs and a stab wound as well as a tremendous one on his head. He might even have a concussion. And here he was pushing me because I was too weak to walk.


But, I couldn't do anything about it anyways because Archie just has to be so selfless, "Why do you have to be so selfless Archiekins?"

"What? Where did that come from?" He asked.

"You are clearly injured yet here you are pushing me so both of us make it out of here," I snapped.

"Ronnie, I could never leave you here. I would never do such a thing even to a person that I hate," He sighed, still walking us out of this warehouse.

"But why? This past week all I have done is treat you like shit. Why are you still here by my side?" I asked still confused.

"Well, love makes you do things for other people. You inspire me to be a better person, Ronnie. And I don't regret any of my decisions."

"I love you Archiekins," I started feeling dizzy.

"I love you too, Ronnie." My eyes were starting to close. I felt all my pains go away.

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"Mr. Svenson, you and the other spies go that way while Juggie and I go this way," I stated pointing to the left.

I got a nod in approval as we went our separate ways. There were many doors and turns. It would be a bloody mess if we got lost in this place. It was almost dark. All you could hear were the slight pitter patters of rain drops.

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