C h a p t e r T w e n t y : Kill Or Be Killed

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y : Kill Or Be Killed

👑 👑 👑


I hopped on my motorcycle and went home. My brain was flooded with thoughts. How was I going to do this? I can't kill my friends! What do I do? I was lost. I tried to clear those thoughts but I still got that feeling in my stomach that I just hated. I pulled over the road and took off my helmet to just breath for a moment. I decided to go to Jughead and I's secret place. I couldn't face Juggie like this. Like I was about to kill or smash something against the all. Even though he is probably sleeping.

I got off my motorcycle and parked the bike at the bottom of the hill before climbing up. Once I reached the top I found a familiar rock and laid down on it. I glanced at the starry night which reminded me of Veronica and all the nights we spent with her blabbing away about space and the stars. I giggled at the thought. She was so little yet her brain was so big. I was so stressed and so clueless. Do I tell them? Should I keep it a secret and strike now? I know that I am definitely not killing them! I looked down at my watch to see it was 1 am.

I got back down the hill and got back on my motorcycle not even bothering to put on my helmet. It was an amazing feeling, the wind through your hair as you zoom across the road. It was a great way to release some steam. I parked my bike before walking to the hotel room. I got out my keys and opened the door. I walked in and set my keys on the island table and rested my head in my hands sighing. What was I going to do? I looked around to see the bedroom lights off. I guess Jug went to sleep already. I got my phone and opened my messages with Veronica. I started texting V asking her if she was awake even though I knew very well that she was asleep. I was about to turn off my phone until I felt someone touching my ass.

"Has anyone told you that you have an amazing ass?" I heard Jug say from behind me. I quickly turned around to face him.

"No, I don't think so," I giggled. I wrapped my hands around his neck and swayed my hips enjoying the moment.

"Please tell me you didn't get hurt," He asked in a more worried tone. I was hurt physically, emotionally... a lot.

"Nah. It was pretty chill. But we have to have a plan for when we are going to strike-" I was interrupted by Jug smashing his lips against mine. I couldn't help but moan into the kiss. Our tongues fighting for dominance. Of course I won, probably because he let me. He's just a suck for me. His hands moved down to my thighs wanting me to jump which I obliged. I hopped onto the island while taking off my shirt, pulling him closer to me. My hands traveled to the hem of his shirt tugging on it. He pulled away smirking before taking off his shirt and reconnecting our lips. My hands tugging on his hair his hands where caressing my thighs.

Moments later I was completely naked while he was in his briefs. We somehow ended up literally sucking down each other's throats on the kitchen table. I didn't mind but the people who are going to get this hotel next are. He started kissing down my jaw and then my neck leaving large love bites which lead to even louder moan to escape from my mouth. I knew it was a risky move to turn us over but I did anyways and thank god we didn't fall! He was about to get up until I pushed him down and started sucking on his neck hard. I felt him getting harder by the second which made me giggle.

"Looks like someone's excited," I smirked biting his ear.

"You have no idea" He grunted. I started kissing down his chest feeling how hard he was. I pulled the waistband of his briefs he took it off. I licked the tip of his member teasing him, which made him groan. I then started sucking hard while moaning at his size. I could not believ we where having sex on the table. A place were we eat. It was awesome and probably one of the hottest things that we've done.I knew he was about to cum so I kept going faster and faster bobbing my head up and down. He was about to release until he pulled me up. I was confused wondering why he stopped me.

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