C h a p t e r T w e n t y t h r e e : Drunk and Disorderly

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r  T w e n t y t w o : Drunk and Disorderly



It was dark and their was a single light from the lamp that was across the room. I tried opening my eyes but the weight was too heavy. Soon after I felt a pounding in my head. It was like someone was hitting me with a frying pan constantly. I groaned trying to pull the random blanket that was on me closer. I quickly shot up unaware of where I was. I glanced around squinting my eyes realizing I had Jughead's glasses on. I took them of which I immediately regretted. It felt like my eyes were on fire. I grabbed the blanket covering myself while I walked around. I was at the hotel. Why? I heard talking in the kitchen. I walked out of the bedroom to see both Betty and Jughead on the kitchen island with a worried look on their faces.

"Guys?" I asked walking towards the table and taking a seat.

"Hey V, I made you some tea," Betty smiled.

"Correction, I did," Jughead chuckled which made me laugh.

"Thanks guys," I smiled. I chugged down the tea ignoring the burning sensation down my throat. I set the glass down and glanced up to see both of them with shocked faces.

"T-that didn't hurt?" She asked.

"Well yeah it did but it was the good kind of pain. The pain that you want to feel to ignore the emotional pain," I sighed, "So what am I doing here? What happened last night?"

"Well... We called Archie," Jug stated. I sighed remember already what happened. I got up from the stool and walked towards the door.

"I really appreciate you guys helping me but I'm going to go get drunk again. So I'll see you guys later. Also I'm not going to school today. Tell Mr. Svenson that I'm sick or something," I cheered as I walked out the door dropping the blanket. I strutted down the hallway.

At this point I had no idea where I was going. I somehow managed to end up at Pop's. I opened the door to be greeted by Pop's smile. I slid into a booth ready to cry my eyes out considering the only person here was Pop. I wish I hadn't broken up with Archie but it was for him. I didn't want to see him get hurt. It was the only way for him to stay safe. I grabbed my bag that I put alcohol in. Don't judge me. I am going through a break up. I chugged the whole bottle and I already felt drunk. Right as I did I felt my eyes started to tear up. That was until I heard the bell ring. I quickly wiped away my tears before anyone saw me. I looked up to see a red head looking around. It was the only male red-head in town. Archie. I quickly hid under the table so he wouldn't see me. I heard footsteps come closer to the booth.For some reason I found it funny. I tried so hard to hide my laugh. Sadly he picked the same booth I was under. Dammit. Why are we the exact same person? He sat down and called Pop's to take his order. I guess it was lunch and he decided to head out instead of being a third wheel with Jughead and Betty at school. Next thing I knew he extended his legs which hit my head and made me screech.

"Ow!" I growled. I immediately covered my mouth hoping he didn't here. But of course he did. He ducked down under the table with a confused look.


"Well this has been nice but I should get going," I got out of the table and ran while taking my heels off. I was a bit drunk so I didn't make it that far. In fact I didn't even make it to the door. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I didn;t want him to know I was drunk so I didn't meet his eyes. He brought his face closer to mine. At first I thought he was going to kiss me so I leaned in. That was he was only smelling me. I thought it was weird at first until I realized why.

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