C h a p t e r T e n : A Romantic Evening

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T e n  :  A Romantic Evening



I woke up to the sunlight hitting my eyes. I groaned in pain from my massive headache. I quickly grabbed V and my glasses. I put it on V and I so the sunlight won't sting her eyes as well as mine. I look around to see myself in a crappy looking dress and heels that I would never wear. 'What happened?' I thought to myself. Then all the memories came rushing in.

"Dammit," I mumbled in frustration which caused V to wake up.

"Why are you yelling?" She asked. I quickly covered my ears because she was being too loud.

"I don't think we are. I think it's the hangover," I whined.

Veronica looked confused, "Hangover?"

"Yeah, all the memories will start filling your head soon,"

"Thanks for the glasses, my eyes would be burning right now," Veronica thanked. I sighed then getting up to use the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. I was about to brush when my reflection. I screamed and dropped the toothbrush at the sight of my face. My hair was somehow floating in midair while my lipstick and mascara were smudged. Veronica quickly rushed in.

"What! What is it?" She panicked before looking in the mirror to see herself. She screamed at the sight of her which wasn't nearly as bad as my face.

"Damn we look like shit," She snarled looking in the mirror putting her hair up. She went to the other sink we have and started to brush her teeth and wash her face, as did I. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face clean from any more makeup that didn't come off. I got the biggest sunglasses I could find and a black trench coat with black flats as did V.

"Damn, how do we always manage to wear the same outfit without even seeing each other?" She laughed.

"Great minds think alike!" I giggled. We both went outside of our room to be blinded by even more sunlight which caused a bigger headache. We both shielded our eyes from the sun and quickly walked into the closest room we could find which was, unfortunately, Jughead and Archie's. I barged through the door to see both of them still sleeping. I was confused. I thought we had work today? I looked at the time to see it was 5:30 am.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself. I started to see Archie stir around. Veronica and I quickly rushed out before we got yelled at again. We both plopped on the bed and sighed.

"Wanna start packing for Riverdale?" V asked.

"Yeah, but we should let Mr. Svenson know that we have to go," I pointed out.

"You're right," She started to get up. I followed her as we went to Mr, Svenson's office. He should be awake right now, I hope. I knocked on the door to hear Mr. Svenson telling us to come in.

"Ahh, Ms. Lodge and Ms. Copper. What is it?" He smiled. He was way too happy for 5:30 am.

"We just wanted to fill you in on what's happening." Veronica smiled. He nodded wanting us to continue.

"So, yesterday we caught as many dealers as we could and got them all. One of them had loose lips and said that the supplier is now in Riverdale. We were planning on going back to Riverdale and finishing the case in Riverdale." I smiled.

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