C h a p t e r F o u r t e e n : Undercover

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n : Like a Marshmallow



"So tell me Papa Poutine, what do you do in your business?" Jughead asked.

All three of us were in the interrogation room while Betty was MIA. Papa Poutine was tied to a chair with his face all bloody from me bunching it. I still didn't get why his name sounded so familiar.

"I'm not telling a bunch of freaks," He laughed.

Archie lunches him in the face harder, " These two won't stop until your dead. But maybe if you tell us something I'll get them to lay off." I smiled.

He sighed, "I own a world wide restaurant named after me of course,"

"That's true but their is something you aren't telling us," I cooed. Jughead cut some skin slowly of his leg.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you just please stop!" He cried. I did feel quite a lot of power considering I had a broken leg and was in a wheelchair.

"I own a drug lab with Lodge industries. We used to make drugs called jingle jangle." He stated.

"Then why were you selling fizzle rocks?" Jughead asked.

"Because, Jingle Jangle isn't the good stuff anymore and it's going out of business. I needed the money. I'm in a lot of debt," Then it hit me.

"You played poker with my dad, Hiram Lodge! He always warned me about you!" I yelled. I was so stupid to not realize it any sooner. I would always be there at their games serving drinks or lighting a smoke.

"I knew I've seen you from somewhere!"I smirked.

"So you don't know who the supplier for fizzle rocks is?" I asked.

"No! Whoever they are though must be really rich," He replied.

I glanced back at Jug and Archie then back at Papa Poutine, "I think we're done with him,"

"I guess you're right, but let's keep him if we need anymore answers along the way," Archie stated.

All three of us agreed and walked out of the room to be met with a long staircase.

"You know, they have over three-thousand rooms here but can't invest on buying an elevator on the third floor?" Jug asked. We all laughed as Archie picked me up and Jug took my wheelchair.

After a while of climbing up the stairs and going back to our hotel rooms Archie gently laid me down on the bed and plopped down beside me. Jughead then followed and plopped down on the couch.

"Has anyone seen Betty recently?" I asked.

"No, she has been MIA ever since you got in the hospital," Archie stated.

"Wait really?" Jughead asked, "Ronnie can you pull out your watch and track down where Betty is?"

"I'm on it," I said pulling out my watch.

"Jug it says that she is in fox forest," I stated worried.

"Do you think-?"

"I don't know but I think we should go get her before she does something we will regret," Archie stated picking me up and putting me on the wheel chair. We all went out of the building and zoomed off to Fox Forest.

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