C h a p t e r T w e n t y f i v e : Party in the USA II

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y f i v e : Party in the USA II



Why did I agree to this? So far the rooms I have went to were either filled with teenagers having sex or empty rooms post-sex. I was about to head back down stairs to meet up with Archie until I heard some faint crying in one of the rooms. I kept walking down the hall until the crying got louder. Finally I was where the crying came. I gently opened the door to be introduced to cheryl who was extremely drunk and sniffling after a sobbing session.
"Veronica!" She whipped her head towards me and I got so scared! I didn't want to say it to her face but she looked like a hot mess.
"Hey, y-you ok?" I hesitated.
"Don't be silly! I am more than fine, now that you are here," She slurred walking closer to me.
"Cheryl?" She just kept walking closer as I backed away from her.
"Come on Ronnie, we both knew from the beginning, I had feelings for you. And I think you do too! Otherwise you wouldn't have broken up with Archie," Soon my back hit the door. I was so scared at this point. She started leaning in but I didn't want this. She grabbed my wrists so I wouldn't run.
"Cheryl don't! I love Archie," I stated.
"That's where you are wrong, mon amour," She smiled. She continued to lean in. While she was about to kiss me I brought my knee up and kneed her in the stomach. She fell back in pain. I immediately ran out the door locking it behind me. I sighed out of breath form that traumatic incident.
"Ronnie?" I heard Archie ask.
"Archie? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be looking downstairs for any fizzle," I panted while fixing my hair.
"DId you just-"
"What, no! No, no, no! That is not what happened," I growled, "It may have looked like I just had sex but I swear that's the exact opposite!"
"Ok," He said awkwardly.
"Hey how about you grab me a drink? I need to use the bathroom," I asked.
"Y-yeah, sure," He said observing trying to find out the mystery called me. I walked back into the room to see Cheryl passed out on the bed. I sadly took a picture of her before she could wake up. I closed the door sighing.
"Hey, Veronica," I heard a familiar voice smile. I knew that voice. It was the voice that taunted me the whole junior year. Damn can my day get any worse?

"Nick?" I turned around, "What are you doing here?"
"Just thought I would drop by to see you, Ronnie," He smirked, "And may I say you look very scandalous."
"Don't call me that!" I growled.
"Why so your 'boyfriend' can?" He laughed, "Please. You may have everyone fouled here but not me."
"Whatever the hell are you up to Nick?" I crossed my arms.
"How about we go somewhere more private," He smirked.
"I am not going into some locked room with you," I stated.
"Aw, is little Ronnie afraid?" He mocked in a femanine voice, "Well, that's a first."
I sighed looking around. I grabbed his forearm and shoved him into a room standing in front of the door incase something out of control happened, "Speak."
"Relax Veronica. Just want to talk. And maybe do something more," He smirked coming closer to me. I had my hand ready at the door knob.
"That outfit looks very sexy on you. Can't wait to rip that thing off," He stated. I saw him take something out of his pocket. It looked like rope. I was about to open the door and make a run for it until he grabbed me. He tied my hands up tightly and then pushed me onto the bed.
"Nick! Get the hell off me! Don't you dare tou-" I was cut off by him him wrapping something over my mouth and over my eyes. I tried yelling for help but it didn't work. This was the second time tonight! Damn, my luck is just on point. Right as he was about to take off my top. I heard the door open and two bottles shatter on the ground. Then Nick was thrown off me. Someone grab him by the collar and punched him, hard.
"So, is this the bastard from Junior high?" Archie asked. Archie. Archie came through the door. I nodded my head not being able to say anything. He took out his watch and tranquilized him.
"I'm not done with you yet," He growled. He looked back at me and dropped Nick, walking towards me. He got out his pocket knife and cut the ropes. He helped me up and took off the rope covering my mouth. He slowly took off my blindfold with a concerned look on his face. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take not being able to kiss him whenever. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and smashed my lips against his backing us against the wall. With every second I craved more and more. Relationships are about protection and I just have to accept that.
"Oh god I missed you so much!" I mumbled sweeping my tongue across his lips.
"I could say the same, but I don't have too," He smirked which earned him a punch
"You want to tease? Well good. I'm in the mood for some," I smirked. I walked towards the door and then sprinted outside. A few seconds later he finally caught up to me. I got on the motorcycle while starting the engine. I turned around to see him standing in awe.
"Well? Are you coming?" I smirked.

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