C h a p t e r T w e n t y s e v e n : Jellybean goes undercover?

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r T w e n t y s e v e n : Jellybean Goes Undercover?



As I sat on my bed, I thought about what I was going to say to Archie if I were to go and talk to him. I didn't want to face him like this. I was stressed out and raging with thoughts. Today was also the day that Jellybean is going undercover and I didn't want to stress her out either because I know for a fact that if there is something wrong with Jellybean something will be wrong with Jughead. Out of no where I felt a tear slide down my face.
Why couldn't I just get over Archie? Why was it so hard to just be friends with him? How long is this misery going to last for? And all these emotions were all for a boy. A boy who is kind, sefless, caring, and so sweet. Archie deserves someone who is just like him not bitchy, negative, and sardonic. I didn't want to feel like this anymore, so I did the only thing that would cheer me up. I grabbed my phone that was on the nightstand and plugged in my earphones. I opened up my spotify playlist and started singing.
"Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound," I hummed.
"A steady place to let down my defenses," I sang.
"But loving you had consequences." I sighed thinking about Archie. In any relationship there are consequences. But I was being too much of a pussy to even give it a try. I let my past get in the way of Archie and I.
"Dirty tissues, trust issues,"
"Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you"
"Lonely pillows in a strangers bed"
"Little voices in my head"
"Secret keeping, stop the bleeding"
"Lost a little weight because I wasn't eating" I started tearing up more but I got off the bed and kept singing. I was so into it that I completely forgot that I was in a hotel room singing and dancing around with my headphones in.
"All the songs that I can't listen to, to tell the truth" I related to this song in a way I could never with any other song. Yes, there was songs that meant a lot to me but this one relates to me. I feel like it was meant for me.
"Loving you was young, and wild, and free"
"Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet"
"Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound"
"A steady place to let down my defenses"
"But loving you had conseque-" I immediately pulled out my headphones and stopped singing when I glanced up to see Archie, Betty and Jughead peaking through the door. I was taken back so much that I almost stumbled over. I looked over at Archie who was giving Betty and Jughead a signal to leave. He opened the door wider to reveal himself.
He started walking closer before closing the door behind him, "That was uh- that was beeautiful..."
"T-thank you. Uh- you weren't suppose to hear that," I chuckled slightly. I threw my phone onto the bed and sat down.
"Yeah, I just got here. I just came in to see Betty and Jughead peaking through the door like some stalkers," He sighed scratching his neck.
He started observing me until his expression dulled, "What happened to your arm?"
"I was smashign things and... you get it," I sighed. He sat beside me on the bed leaving a few inches away from us. Their was definitely tension and awkwardness between us. And it was not the comfortable one.
"It's been a while since I heard you sing," He smiled.
"Is there a reason why you are here?" I turned towards him.
"Uh, I believe you have something to say to me..." He stated confused.
"Wait, what do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Betty called me and told me that you wanted to talk to me," He stated, "So, is there something you want to tell me?"
"No... In Fact You need to leave. I was going to hit the training room before our mission tonight," I started brushing off any dust that was collected on my skirt. I grabbed my keys and my back before closing the door. Right before I was about to leave the hotel Betty stopped me.
"V, you can't go anywhere. You just got stitched up. They might come loose," She grabbed my shoulder.
I grabbed her hand off of me, "I honestly don't care. I'm just going outside, no biggy."
I reopened the door and slammed it on my way out. Many emotions were running through my head. I was a mess. I needed to get some more steam off before we head out tonight. My heart ached for Archie but it couldn't happen. I hopped onto the motorcycle and drove off. It wasn't until I got to Jughead's trailer that I got off. I went up the steps and knocked on the door. Seconds later I heard footsteps coming towards the door.
"Veronica, what brings you here?" Fp asked with a bright smile on his face.
"I was hoping to see Jellybean," I smiled.
"Sure, just give me a sec," He said before calling Jellybean. She immediately ran through the door.
"Hey Ron, what are you doing here?" She smiled.
"Wanna hit the training room? It's your big day today," I cooed. I earned a smirk in return.

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"Guys, are you seriously going to sit there and do nothing?" I scolded.
"What do you want us to do Betty?" Archie asked, resting his head on the kitchen table.
"Betty, she said she wanted to be alone. Let her be," Jug stated grabbing a yogurt cup from the fridge. I grabbed the cup from his hands and crumpled it before throwing it across the room.
"Hey! That was the last one!" He whined.
"Guy, her stitches could pop out and she could bleed to death!" I yelled.
"Betty, I got my heart broken enough today. Can't we do it another time?" Archie sighed. I looked up at him to see red puffy eyes. Maybe we should all take a break. I sighed before resting my hand on his shoulder.
"You really want to be with her, I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.
"More than anything but she says we can't be together," He sighed, "I would do anything to get back with her. I just want to hold her hand or play with her hair and tell her how amazing she is. Maybe if I tried hard enough then she wouldn't have left me."
"Archie, she didn't dump you because you weren't enough. She... She has... I don't know id I should tell you," I hesitated.
"Betty, just spit it out,"
"She has PTSD from her past break up and when you got into that car crash she thought that she was going to lose you. She also thought that she doesn't deserve you. She said that you should be happy with someone else which I know is complete bullshit," I ranted.
"That stupid prick," He growled.
"Nick! Nick St. Claire,"
"Yeah, that's her x-boyfriend. He was the one who did all this damage to her," I said.
"Which is why she is like this,"
"Calm down, we will work this out after tonight. Right now we need to focus on the mission. I'll call JB and tell her to get ready," I stated, "For now get something to eat."
"I'm down with that!" Jughead laughed.
"Not you Jug! If I see you lay a finger on any sort of meal, I will cut it off," I growled before going into the bedroom. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called JB. No answer. I started to get worried. I called one more time.
"Hey Betty!" She instantly replied.
"Jelly, who are you talking to?" I heard someone say in the background.
"Just Betty," She said.
"Uh- JB who was that?" I was a bit worried.
"Oh, Veronica. She took me to the training room, to help prepare for tonight's mission," She said.
"Oh..." I said surprised, "Well be safe and make sure you get some rest before you head out."
"Thanks Betty, I will, you don't have to worry," She chirped. I sighed hanging up and putting the phone back down. I got out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to see Archie and Jughead stuffing their faces with a cherry pie.
"Guys, I was saving that for after we finish tonight," I whined.
"Betty, you told us to eat something. And don't I get a freebie? I'm going through a break up," Archie whined.
"Yeah, I get a freebie too because I'm your boyfriend," Jug stated sternly. I gave both of them a dirty look.
"Guys, you aren't twelve. Go do something useful," I stated shooing them off. They both got off the kitchen stools and headed outside. I sighed, resting my head in my hands on the kitchen table. I was about to doze off to sleep until I heard my phone ring. I groaned at the loud noise. I picked up my phone to see the caller ID which read 'Mom'.
"Mom? Hey what's wrong?" I asked confused.
"Betty!" She stated panting, "Whatever you do, don't bring Jellybean undercover! Something bad is going to happen and I can't have you there."
"Mom! Wait you are making no sense!"
"The Gargoyle king! He just called and said that he knows about you going undercover!"
"Wait how?" I exclaimed.
"Betty I don't know but promise me you won't go..." She begged.
"...Ok. Ok I promise." Thoughts we're flooding my head as I tried to processes the information. It was like my hole body was numb. I didn't even realize I had dropped my phone on the ground. I assumed Jughead heard because I heard the door immediately open.
"Betty! Betty, hey! Look at me. What's wrong?" He demanded while shaking me. I just starred into his eyes. They know who my friends and family are and they could get revenge so easily. So why haven't they done it yet? Why haven't they killed anyone yet.
"Betty! Answer me!" He yelled louder.
"The Gargoyle King..."
"What? Betts you are making no sense right now!" He stated. I felt a rush of panick in his voice.
"He's going to kill us all."


A/N~HOLAAAA CHICASSSSSSSS!!!! Damn haven't typed that in a long time. Anyways... my riverdale smutbook is coming out soon so be sure to vote on chapter 22 for an early release!!! Once it hits twenty votes I will post it right after! If not the launch will be in sometime in November. Also sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be the normal 30-37 pages...BYEEEEEEE!!!

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