C h a p t e r S e v e n : Suicidal

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The most dangerous love story ever told.


C h a p t e r S e v e n  : Suicidal



I had just lead someone to commit suicide. I stood there looking out the window, tears threatening to come down. I kept staring. Though I couldn't see her I knew she was dead. I mean how could someone possibly live from a drop that high. We were on the third floor and this building is big! The girl who was trying to kill herself all this time killed someone else. How could I do that?

"B?" The soft angelic voice said from behind me.

"V!" I grasped for her embrace and sobbed in her neck.

"I-I di-d that! I did that! I led someone to commit suicide!" I sobbed.

"It's ok B. She did that to herself. You had nothing to do with it. Remember you can't save everyone. The killing comes with the job," She said petting my hair. She then nodded to the boys to leave us alone.

"I have been trying to commit suicide since I was 15! And the thought of me being the reason someone committed suicide. I can't believe this V! I'm a horrible person! That should've been me! Why wasn't it me?" I sobbed pretty loudly.

"You've got to be fucking with me right now!" Jug came bursting through the door.

"Jug!" V said stopping Juggie.

"Shut it, Ron!" He stated still coming towards me, "You really think it should have been you? You think you deserve that?" He said pointing to the window.

"If you have been trying to commit suicide since you were 15 then why are you alive? Why are you still here then? Why are you still breathing air?" He exclaimed.

"Don't know? Well, Betty Cooper, it's cause you have Ron, Archie, and me! I can't even imagine how many times Ronnie must have saved your ass because you started going suicidal. Do you not see all the amazing things you have accomplished? Do you not see your best friends and your boyfriend standing in front of you? Do you not notice how much your boyfriend loves you?" He said through his glossy eyes, "Do you know how much I love you?"

I was taken back by the fact that he confessed his love to me, "Wait, y-you l-love me?"

"Honestly Betty if you left this world do you know how broken Veronica would have been? Did you even consider her feelings?" I saw V looking down, "Do you know how much of life you would have missed? Why do you even want to commit suicide? Do you know how many people would kill to have a perfect life? You were the perfect girl next door!" I hated that saying, "You are a walking talking beautiful goddess that is too insecure to see what is in front of her. You're so brave, smart, kind, funny and fucking gorgeous! How could you think that you deserve that?" He said the last part with a single tear streaming down his face.

I didn't know what to do at that point so I just ran out the door. I pressed the button on my heels and zoomed to the parking lot. I got on the motorcycle and started the engine. I then went to the only spot I could think of. It was the spot where I opened up to Jug. Where we had our first kiss. I parked the motorcycle on top of the mountain as I plopped myself on top of a rock which kinda hurt. I was starting to regret living even though Jug told me off about it. He loved me. The sad thing was that I loved him too but I couldn't declare it when I was miles away. Plus he doesn't know what I have been through. He doesn't know all the struggles I have faced. He called me the 'perfect girl next door'. That hit me as hard as a bullet.

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