Chapter 15: Near Death Experience

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⚠️Self harm warning ⚠️
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Aaron POV
I'm sitting down stairs rereading the note that Lauren left. I want to make sure that we're not missing any clues that she could've been kidnapped or anything. It looks like it's a dead end and what she said is what she meant. She's gone. It makes me feel sad. Now I'm wondering how Alex feels. This gives me the sudden urge to check on him. I haven't heard anything from him in awhile and I just want to make sure that he's ok. I knock on his door and say his name.

"Alex?" No response

"Are you ok in there?" No response. I keep knocking until I realize that I'm wasting time. I grab my phone and get ready to call 911 just in case something is wrong. I open the door. He's not there. I open the bathroom door and there he is. Unconscious. Slumped down on the floor with his back against the bathroom cabinets by the sink. Bottles of pills are scattered everywhere. I feel hot tears fall down my cheeks. I gotta stay calm or I won't be able to help. My hand shakes as I grip my phone harder. I press the call button.

"911 what's your emergency?"the dispatcher says

"My brother overdosed, please send help"

Time passes. I hear the sirens. I shake Alex begging him to get up. Nothings happening.

"Alex please wake up. I can't lose you" I keep saying. Nothing's happening. The paramedics come upstairs and pull me away. They lay Alex's almost lifeless body on a stretcher and they escort me down. They can clearly see that he's unconscious so they skip the heart beat part and rush him to the hospital. They ask me questions. Some of them are the same. My voice is barely audible through the tears. Staying calm didn't work this time. I hear a police officer who's on the scene say that I'm innocent. So that's why the questions were there. They weren't worried about Alex's safety, they were just trying to make a case. I want to tell them that's wrong and that they should be ashamed of themselves but I'm to worried about Alex to even do anything. They immediately get IV drips and all sorts of things running on Alex. They make me wait in the waiting room. I pick up my phone. It looks blurry because of the tears in my eyes. They first person I think to text is Roni.

It takes Roni awhile to respond. That's understandable, by the fifteen minutes until she replied made me nervous. She gets here in record time.

"Sorry it took me so long. I had to put in real clothes and make sure that I didn't wake anyone" She says

"It's ok but I don't know what to do. We lost Lauren today. That was a hard one. We lost Gray to drug overdose and I just don't want that to be Alex." I say

"Don't worry. I promise you that the doctors are going to do everything they can to make sure he'll be here with us. I'll be right here" She says and puts her hand on my leg.

"Should I call mom and dad?"

"You should do what ever feels best. If you want to call them when he feels better or you can call them now. I'm sure that they won't be able to pick up or make it until tomorrow"

"I don't want his last moments to come and mom and dad not be able to talk to him" I say

"Don't think like that" She says but I'm off outside by the time she's finished talking. I give mom and dad a call each. Neither one of them pick up. I don't want to worry Andrew or Malaya and Mariah. I'll just have to call them in the morning. I walk in and see Roni talking to a doctor with a white coat on and a clipboard. I'm hoping this isn't what I think it is. I run over them.

"Are you Aaron Burriss?" He asks

"Yes I am"

"Your brother, Alex was taken into urgent care. He stopped breathing for a little over a minute, just as we were about to pronounce him dead he made a breakthrough. We put him on assisted breathing. You can come see him now." I felt my heart drop when he said that Alex stopped breathing, but in typical Alex fashion he always seems to pull through. Like another one of his pranks. This one seems a little to real.

Roni gives me some space to go see Alex even though I told her that she could come back there with me. She said that she'll wait her turn. I peer into his room.

"Hey" he says. Hearing his voice makes me happy especially after almost losing him.

"How you feeling?" I ask

"Ok now" He says "I don't know what got into me"

"It's ok. I know it's hard but now you know that death isn't the answer"

"I thought Lauren was my everything and that I had lost her but now I know what everything is and that isn't Lauren. That's my family and my kids. They need me and you guys need me and I need y'all. There's no way I'm leaving this earth that easily" he says. Now that's the Alex I know.

"We're going to get you some help and we're going to make it through this I promise. I'm going to let you rest so that you can be out of her soon and give Adrian and Asher a big hug, ok" I say

"Thanks big bro and see you later" he says and gives me the thumbs up. I came to a quick realization that he's joking to make it through it. That's definitely an Alex move. I don't know what I would do without him and I'm glad I won't find out anytime soon. His motto really fits because now I really know that if your not smiling, your doing it wrong.

Alex felt depressed and overdosed on medicine. Aaron called 911 and took him to the hospital. His heart stopped for awhile but soon the put him on assisted breathing. At the end he realizes that it wasn't worth it and he's ready to get some help.

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