Chapter 43: Arguing and Making Up

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Aaron POV
I'm still kind of shocked about the argument. I can't believe that she actually got mad at me because I said I wasn't ready. I was trying to look out for her and the kids. She had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't thinking about her feelings. That's the only thing I was thinking about. I was trying to keep her in consideration. I really want kids. I've always wanted a big family. I love family? They come first before everything. I'm super open to having more kids, just not right now. It hurts me to not be her when the twins accomplish something or when they miss their dad. I would hate to do that to another kid. I'm getting worked up even thinking about the topic, so I drop it. It was last night so I should just leave it in the past.

I pour myself some coffee and work on editing a video. I slept in the guess room last night and it wasn't that comfortable. We never sleep in different beds, It's a strange feeling to not have her beside me. "Aaron you have to stop. You guys are arguing so stop getting in your feels. You're not in the wrong" I tell myself. I question my last statement. Maybe I am in the wrong. I sigh and get it off my mind.

I'm glad the kids aren't here. Even though I miss them when they're away, I wouldn't want them to see us fighting. I always hated if my parents even got into the smallest argument, I wouldn't want them to experience the same thing.

My morning feels off. I go through all my steps to see if I missed out on any. It looks like I did everything. I think for awhile longer. My morning is off because I didn't get that good morning kiss or the I love you before I went to bad. It's crazy how something as simple as that can change your whole day. Even when we're not even close to the same city we blow each other a kiss and tell each good morning and goodnight through the phone. It's never been like this before. She always the first thing I see when I wake and the last thing I see before I go to sleep. That didn't happen today and it ruined my whole day. Here I am in my feels again. I'm never in my feels. That makes my day worse. That's when I know I have to apologize. Even if I'm not in the wrong, I'm going to be the bigger man and step up to the plate. I can't go a whole day with her being in 'lthe same house and we're not taking. That's the worst feeling and I just discovered it. The worst pain isn't being shot, stabbed, or coming close to death, it's the feeling of not caring for someone but you really do. I've endured more physical pain then this, but this is the worst pain I've ever been in.

I go to find things to make it up to her. I buy some flowers, specifically purple roses and baby's breath. I get her favorite Starbucks drink which is, Venti Passion tea, two pumps raspberry, two pumps classic, berry juice instead of water, no berries with light ice. I memorized it after our first date. It was hard to memorize without sounding like a creep. Of course I have to get chocolate. She says that it makes her breakout, but no matter how much acne she has she's still beautiful to me.

Once I gather all the stuff and come inside. I'm greeted by my coffee just the way I like it and my all time favorite cookies that Roni makes. We look at each other.

"I'm sorry" we both say. With each other's gifts still in hand we give each other a big hug. I feel better instantly.

"Let's agree to never fight again" she says

"If I get these cookies every time we argue, we should argue everyday." I tease

"I'll make you cookies when ever you want" She says and get on her top toes to kiss me. I always thought her height was cute.

We go in about the rest of the day. The kids called and said they wanted to stay one more day at grandma and grandpas. We let them. We binge watch movies and eat pizza, even though Roni complained about her skin breaking out. While cuddling we're either playing with each other's hair, or she's leaving kisses down my jaw line and I'm leaving kisses down her neck. I'm so glad we made up. I would miss moments like this if we didn't.

The night comes. It was bound to come but spending hours on the couch really makes time go by fast.

"What do you want to do?" She asks me

"Nothing but sit on this couch with you" I say and kiss her forehead.

"I mean I had something else in mind" she says while fiddling with my shirt. I know exactly what she has in mind. I pull her closer by her waist to passionately kiss her. We take it up to our room.

The next day she's cuddle up against my chest as the Tv softly plays in the background.

"Maybe you're right, we should argue more so we can do what we did last night" she says. She's wearing one of t shirts.

"We can do that anytime you want to" I say and kiss her forehead. Maybe having our first argument made our relationship stronger. I think that a little argument is necessary for every relationship. We've just never had a disagreement before so it was a little surprising. In the end it was all worth because we both now each other's feelings, breaking points, and opinions. We now know where each other stands on that topic and other ones. Plus making up was pretty fun.

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