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TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm :(   (it's not dirty, i swear)

(y/n pov)

"Hey guys, and welcome back to my channel!" You said to the camera. Grayson laughed beside you and you rolled your eyes. "As you probably know from the title, today I'm here with my boyfriend!" You said. Your hand traveled up to grab Gray's face and squish it.

He pushed you away and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, y/n, they can't physically see me but they definitely can by the title." He said. You laughed.

"Well they read it too," You said, messing his hair up. He groaned and tried to fix it.

"Well, what if they're dyslexic?" He said. You laughed and shook your head. "Guys, like and subscribe if you're dyslexic." He said with a thumbs up. You laughed and sighed, shaking your head.

"Anyway, me and Grayson here are gonna be handcuffed for 24 hours, yeah, let's just get this over with." You said as you caught the handcuffs from Ethan who was standing behind the camera. "You guys wanted it, so here you go." You said.

"You guys excited?" Ethan asked you, not in the frame. "Y/N, enjoy yourself," He said with a laugh. You rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Me and my twin brother already did this together on our channel a while back so go check that out," Grayson said as Grayson handcuffed the two of you. You nodded. "She actually stole our handcuffs so thanks, babe." He said. You laughed and pulled on your arm to make sure it was secure.

"Holy shit, we're actually-" You stopped yourself short to laugh. Grayson rolled his eyes. "Well, anyway we're going to give the keys to Ethan and he'll bring them back tomorrow in exactly 24 hours." You said tossing the keys to Ethan.

"What if I just lose them?" Ethan said with a smirk. You glared at him as Grayson laughed.

"I'll just chainsaw the cuffs off," Grayson said, wrapping an arm around you. "And also cut off our wrists by accident." He laughed. You flinched and put a smile on your face.

"Okay, let's just get to bed, Gray," You said, locking the door behind Ethan as he left your house. "Ready to sleep?" He shook his head.

"I need to change and stuff, loser," Grayson said. "Well not my shirt but out of my jeans, and we have to brush our teeth." He said. You rolled your eyes and nodded.

"Okay then let's go?" You asked. He nodded and grabbed the camera and followed you into your room as you pulled him with you. "Did you bring clothes?" You asked him as you guys made it to your room. He winced.

"Uh- shit." You sighed. "No, but I probably left something when we had a sleepover before." He said. He walked into your closet, looking for something of his.

"Grayson, you're messing up my clothes," You whined. He knocked over a pile of shoeboxes, tugging on your arm. "Gray."

"I'm sorry baby, I'll clean it tomorrow," He said. You rolled your eyes at the camera as he came up with a pair of sweatpants. "Here, I'll be back let me change into this." He started to walk out of the closet but pulled you along with him.

"We're stuck together Gray," You laughed. He groaned as he rubbed at his wrist. "You're gonna have to change here, babe." He changed into his sweatpants and followed you into the bathroom.

"Here's your toothbrush," You said pulling out the same toothbrush he used when he came to sleep over. He took it and the two of you brushed your teeth. "Oh crap, this sucks, doing everything with my left arm." You said. Gray smiled at you in the mirror.

"You'll get used to it." He said as he washed his toothbrush. He waited for you to finish brushing your teeth by making faces at the camera. "Done?" He asked.

"No, I have to wash my face, Gray." You said. You gathered your hair up and pulled his arm up too. He mumbled something about his arm being sore and you smiled. "Crap, I need a hair tie." You said, referring to the hair ties that were stuck on the same wrist that was handcuffed to Gray. You looked around the bathroom for hair ties, frustrated.

"Here," Grayson pulled off a hair tie from his left wrist and handed it to you over his head. You smiled and put your hair up. "You have a lot of hair, it's so long and pretty." He said.

"Grow yours out and see how annoying it is," You said, bending over to splash water on your face. You looked up to see him smiling.

"Really?" He asked, trying to touch his hair but bringing yours with it. "Shit."

"No keep it exactly how it is right now," You said. "I like it floppy," You said, grabbing your face wash.

"Yes, y/n I'll freeze my hair so it doesn't grow," You laughed as you began to wash your face. You looked up to see him staring down at you and frowned. "Y/N?" You washed off the cleanser and dabbed your face with a towel.

"Yeah, everything okay?" You asked, grabbing the camera. He took it from you and turned it off. "What're you doing?" You asked.

"What's that-" He asked pointing to your rolled-up sleeve. You let out a tiny gasp, almost inaudible, and pushed your sleeve back down. "No, y/n, let me see it." He muttered.

"It's nothing, Gray, we need to film this." You said taking the camera from him. He put it next to the sink. "Grayson." You said.

"Y/N, let me see it," He said. You sighed and closed your eyes. He gently to your arm and pushed back the sleeves of your sweatshirt. "Y/N." He said staring at your arm. You opened your eyes to look at him.

"It's almost gone," You said quietly. He shook his head and held your wrist in his hand. "I'm sorry, I-" He cut you off.

"You don't have to apologize, baby," He whispered. "But when was this?" He asked. You sighed and he wiped away a tear rolling down your cheek.

"For a couple of years before me and you," You whispered. He nodded and pulled you in for an awkward hug, with two of your arms connected, "I wanted to tell you when it was all gone." You whispered into his neck.

"Why did you do it?" He asked, pulling away. You looked at the ground and shut your eyes tight. He lifted your chin up. "Why were you hurting yourself like this?" He asked softly.

"Because I didn't like myself, Grayson." You said. He looked down at you as you started crying again. He ran his free his hand up and down your back. "I hated the way I was Gray, and sometimes I still do, but now I have you to love me when I don't." You whispered. He shook his head and pulled you close to him.

"I love you, no matter what, but please love yourself," He whispered into your hair. You blinked away a few tears. "Please, y/n you're perfect." He said. You sighed.

"I'm not perfect, my love," You said. "I'm trying now, I promise," You whispered. He nodded and pulled away once again.

"Let's try this video another time, let's just stay in bed 'till Ethan brings the keys," He said to you, a small smile on his face. You nodded and followed him to your bed.

Grayson turned off all of the lights and followed you into bed next to you. Turning to his side and wrapping an arm around you, while holding the one he was cuffed to, he rested his head on your chest. "I love you so much, Grayson." You whispered, running a hand through his hair.

"I love you more, y/n." He whispered. You layed together for a few silent moments. "How long have you been clean?" He asked. You smiled, even though he couldn't see you.

"Almost a year now," You said quietly. "I haven't since, I think, since you said I love you." You said to him. He lifted his head to look down at you.

"Really?" He whispered. You nodded. "You have no idea how happy that makes me." He said before pressing his lips to yours.  

AN// hey guys, happy tuesday :) <3

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