takes time//e.d

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AN// TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault :(

(ethan's pov)

I pulled my sweatshirt over my head as I walked out of the bathroom. Hopping into bed, I picked up my phone, just in time to see y/n calling. I smiled, answering. "Yo, how'd your date go?" I asked. I heard a little cry and silence. "Y/N?" I asked.

"Why didn't an-answer before?" She asked. I frowned when I could hear her crying.

"I was in the shower- are you okay?" I asked, standing up. I heard another cry. "Y/N?"

"I need you to come get me," She whispered. I nodded into empty space and shoved my keys and wallet into his pocket.

"Where are you?" I asked, running out of the house, empty because Grayson was at his girl's house. "Y/N, I need you to stay strong, okay, I'm coming," I said, getting into the car.

"I don't- I don't know where I am," She whispered. I sighed, starting it, not bothering to pull my seatbelt on. "I'm sorry."

"No, no don't be sorry," I said, pulling out of the driveway. "It's okay, tell me what you see around you," I said softly. I heard a little moving and a whimper.

"There's a sign, it says," There was a pause as I stopped at a red light. She told me the stree name and I nodded once again. "Are you- are you coming to get me?" She asked, voice quiet. I sighed,

"Yeah, okay, just stay there okay, you're okay now," I said, wondering what had happened.

Y/N had a date with this guy, and she'd been so excited. As her best friend, she told me how ready she was for it, only for it to end like this. I prayed that he hadn't hurt her, because if that were the case, the guy won't see tomorrow.

She's my girl. Maybe just her friend right now. But one day, one day, I'll make her mine.

"There's- there's a bunch of valley's it's, it's dark," She whispered. I sighed. It was almost 11, of course it was dark. "Please come, E," She whispered. I nodded, speeding down the road. She was near where our old football practices were. I sighed, thankful that there weren't many cars out.

"I'm coming, baby, just breathe," I said, nickname slipping out.

"O-okay," She whispered. I sighed, taking a risky left turn at a red light.

"You're safe now, okay, I'm almost there, I'm coming, just don't hang up, okay?" I asked. I heard a sigh. "I'm almost there," I said again.

"Thank-thank you," She whispered. I sighed, pulling up to where she was. I ran out of the car, running down the street.

"There're a couple of valleys, princess, do you know where you are?" I asked. There was a pause as I ran down further down.

"I can hear you," She said quietly. I kept running around. "There's a dumpster at the end," She whispered. I turned around, spotting the bin. I ran towards it, phone pressed against my ear. I slowed down, coming to a stop when I saw her. I sighed, to see her shivering.

She was shaking, phone in her hand as she pulled it from her ear as she saw me. Her dress had rips in it and her little jean jacket was missing. My eyes widened as I walked over, to see bruises all over her arms.

I wrapped my arms around her slowly and she shook in my arms, falling apart once again. She cried even harder than she was before, my hoodie getting wet. I just held her tight against me. "What happened?" I asked her as she fell against me. I sighed, stroking her hair.

Y/N shook her head and pressed herself into me. I sighed and held her in my arms, letting her cry. I nodded and pulled away in a few minutes, slowly not to hurt her. "I can go get the car, so you don't have to walk down," I whispered. She shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks.

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