Act One

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I hurriedly packed my things and sneaked out of the window of our run-down apartment. The moment I touched the ground, my feet began sprinting as if they had a mind of their own.

I needed to escape

--To know my real worth.

To know that I'm not just some instrument for his revenge.

I hailed a cab and asked the kind-looking driver to take me to Blüdhaven. The cab driver looked weary at first, but when I handed him a hundred dollars and the address of an apartment somewhere in Parkthorne, Blüdhaven (which I procured months before my planned escape); he quickly put the pedal to the floor like a madman.

Yet, even though my feet had blisters and I was tired from running, I fell asleep knowing that the pain was well worth it.

Minutes, maybe hours passed and I felt the cab stop. The cabbie called out to me:

"M-miss, y-your bags?"

"Ah, yes, please do help me." I smiled, as I looked out. The apartment looked decent, a bit rustic, but it was a good kind of old. I'll have to call mom about what happened, I just hope I won't forget.

I let out a breath of air as I felt the sun rise behind me, its rays giving my back some much needed warmth.

A new day.

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