Act 1, Chapter 6

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Hey guys, here's part six! Enjoy!
Also, thank you so much for the 3k reads! I honestly didn't think that anybody would be interested in my Nightwing lemon. I love you guys! <3

(F/C): Favourite Colour
(F/N): First Name


Apartment 6

Half of Blüdhaven was destroyed, and I took part in destroying it. I've got the money in the bank, but I still felt guilty, which was not of the norm.

Dick arrived late, battered and wounded, his eyes cast down as he plopped on the couch, his blood staining the light fabric. I sat down next to him, with the first aid kit in hand.

"Dick, your arm." I groaned as I touched his bicep, but he weakly pulled away. "You're wounded, at least let me tend to them."

He laughed coldly, as he stared at me with melancholic eyes. There was never any anger, only the pain of betrayal.

"You expect me to give you my arm, (F/N)?! You were with them! How could I trust you?!" Dick replied as he stood up, only to clutch his stomach. "You kick like a fucking beast, Jesus."

I laughed as I pulled him down and got some disinfectant and bandages. I dabbed the cotton in some disinfectant and cleaned his wounds.

"I am an al-Ghul, Dick, I think you would've known since I realized that you touched my computer." I laughed, finishing up on his arms as I bandage them.

"I... You noticed?" His eyes widened as he gave me a double-take. "WAIT HOLD UP-- YOU'RE AN AL-GHUL?! That explains everything!"

I quietly nodded my head as I asked him to remove his top suit piece so I could tend to the other wounded areas. He complied. I wanted him, but we-- I had a lot of explaining to do.

"I'm a quarter of an Al-Ghul, Dick." I hummed, as I asked him to turn, so his back faced me. I tugged a lock of (H/C) hair behind my ear as I sat behind him, cross-legged. His back is muscular and scarred, no doubt that this gash would add to the others. I gently patted the solution-soaked cotton and bandaged his back, and I heard him inhale sharply.

"Painful?" I asked, as I briefly stopped disinfecting his wounds.

"I took the hits, I'm sure I'll take this just fine." He replied curtly. "Were you an outcast?"

"Not at all, sort of..." I chuckled. "They were very... accepting, to say the least. It's just that I chose to be on the Neutral side, so I became a mercenary.

"I should've been suspicious since day one, I mean;" Dick turns around, his eyebrows furrowed. "Who the hell carries a tactical knife when they shower?"

"Who the hell barges in a bathroom when someone's showering?" I replied, throwing my hands up in the air. "In a suit, mind you! But I was okay with it!"

"Did you think that I'd be so accepting?" He shouted, frustrated.

"Oh please, you enjoyed my acceptance, Dick." I screamed, emphasizing his weaknesses as a man.

Dick just sighed.

"I was taught to be a killer, Richard, I've got a lot of blood on my hands that I can't wash off. I was trained to be the most dangerous predator." I replied lowly, as I crawled towards him like a tigress. My arms pinning his half-naked body down to the blood-stained couch.

"You do know that I'm still furious, right?" Dick whispered seductively, his hand automatically finding my waist.

"Mm, very," I replied, kissing his chin. "I'm making amends aren't I?"

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