Act 1, Chapter 1

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*F/N: First Name

F/C: Favourite Colour

E/C: Eye Colour

H/C: Hair Colour



I sighed to myself as the bright yellow cab stopped in front of building 1013 in Parkthorne Avenue. Outside, a cheerful looking woman greeted me; she wore a dark green jumper and her black hair was styled in a pixie cut.

"Hi! You must be (F/N)." She greeted, extending her arm to offer a polite handshake, which I gladly accepted. "The tennant who used to live in your room is three months late with his rent, so you should consider yourself lucky. I'm Bridget by the way."

I laughed, as the weary-looking cab driver hurriedly placed down my things as he ran back inside his car and drove away. Bridget ushered us both inside as she carefully locked the door behind her.

On the top floor, which was the biggest apartment room, she ushered me inside."Now, if an attractive man with dark hair and blue eyes comes up here, tell him that if he wants a roof above his head, he has to pay his rent."

"Yes ma'am." I saluted, making my new landlady laugh. "What's his name?"

"Richard Grayson, but he prefers Dick." Bridget stated dreamily as I snorted, and closed the door as soon as Bridget left.

The room was pretty big, with a gorgeous view of Blüdhaven and wooden stairs leading up. I sighed. Mom must be worried, I should have called her earlier. I scanned the room as I finally found a telephone on the table near the TV. I dialled mom's personal number.

"Hello?" My mom's voice echoed through the other line.

"Mom, it's (F/N), I'm sorry I forgot to call earlier." I apologized as I brought the phone with me as I took my luggage upstairs.

"(F/N) Al-Ghul, your grandfather and I have been worried sick about you!" She replied in a teasing tone. "Not that you couldn't fend for yourself."

"Mom!""Haha, Okay, Okay! Just be sure to keep safe." She replied silence filled the telephone line. "Your mother would have been so proud for you if she were still alive. She was just as talented as you are, darling."

"Talia, you know you're the only mom for me." I reassured her."You shouldn't have left, (Y/N), the world's a disgusting place."

"I can handle it, mom. Listen, I have to go, the flight got me all sticky." With that, we bid our farewell and I began unpacking.The upstairs bedroom was ridiculously enormous, but it also housed a lot of things, like a computer for example. I tried opening it, but it had a maximum security code.

Heh, Richard must have some dirty little secrets in this computer.I sat down on the floor, crossing my legs and pulling my suitcase near me. I unlocked it and removed my box of thowing knives and explosives.

Next, I removed my black skin-tight leather attire along with my (F/C)-coloured hooded robe. Might as well kill people with style, am I right?

I'm not exactly a killer, I'm not exactly a hero either. I'm a mercenary for hire. I do things for money, and I do them my way. I firmly believe that you couldn't give villains a chance, so you have to kill-off bad things in order to be good. I don't care if I'm the only bad person left, per se, but that's better than letting liars promising to "be good", on the loose!

But then, that's just me.

I sighed.

Why can't people think like I do? Sure they suffered too, but why be so dramatic? Nobody cares. End of story. In this world, it's eat or be eaten, not a 'cry over everything and be a whiny bitch all the time' kind of world.

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