Act 2, Chapter 4.1

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Your POV

My troops and I moved in the night quietly as our feet rushed from roof to roof off of each building in Gotham. The town was surprisingly quiet; a bad feeling then came rushing in my stomach.

"Men, plant the bombs and then follow after me in Arkham; we'll have to detour since the shadow bombs' radioactive illusion will engulf the whole city in less than an hour. Be careful or you'll be writhing in pain." I barked, and in the act of following my orders, they teleported to different directions.

I removed my mask, pressing the earpiece that connected me to Razam. I then began running towards the direction of the infamous Arkham City.

"How are things over there, darling?" I asked, but after hearing agonizing screams and groans, I immediately knew the answer.

"The city's in total chaos, mom, the police can't keep up with us while the firemen and the medics are trying to battle the fire while rescuing the wounded." He answered. "No casualties for us since we're blending in. I see Nightwing. Not engaging the target."

"Who is he with?" I asked while teleporting to Arkham Asylum, releasing my shadow mist to knock out the guards as I went inside and busted out each and every one of them using shadow clones. I quickly put on my mask, as I heard footsteps on the vents above me."He's alone mom, and he's moving as quietly as we are—"

My response was interrupted by a kick from a high-heeled boot. I turned to glare at the owner of the boot, unfazed by their attack.

"What's up, you bitch?" A female voice growled.

"You really think that you're gonna hurt me, kitty?" I hissed, holding her foot with one hand and effectively smashing her on the ground six times. "I heard your footsteps, Catwoman, and here I thought you were gonna be as quiet as I am. Heels aren't your best friend."

"But whips are." She growled, snapping her whip and directing it towards me. I let it hit me, again and again. But I felt nothing.

"How did you become a hero with that flimsy thing?" I laughed as I released her foot and used my shadows to take hold of her.

"You." I laughed maniacally, as I raised her to the air. I see her struggle, but she doesn't know that it's futile. "Messed with the wrong demoness."

With that, I twisted and closed my hands as I looked at her, the shadows painfully bending her body until I heard her bones snap and crackle. I didn't stop until she spewed blood through her mouth. I let her body, limp and unconscious, fall to the ground with a large thump.

I looked up, and glared at the infamous vigilante of Gotham.

"I see you, Batman." I called out in a sing-song voice. "Who tipped you about the attack, that petty hero Nightwing?"

Batman jumped down from the same vent Catwoman came from, landing a fairly safe distance from me.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I snickered and motioned towards the bleeding Catwoman. "Would you like me to twist you like a little bow, like your slut over there?"

"So you're the hooded vigilante, Ram'Ak Al Ghul." Batman greeted with hostile tone, confirming my questions. "You Al Ghul women are nothing but trouble."

"Oh please, you men like the trouble we bring." I replied, my answer surprising him. I took advantage of him getting baffled as I kicked him, sending him flying to one of the cells. "Can't handle a little kick, Mr.Wayne?"

"How did you—!" He grunted, obviously surprised.

"The LoA's database is filled with superhero info; oh, villains too." I sneered. "Yours is obviously outdated; took you, what, four years to figure out who initiated the attack?"

Bruce clicked his tongue, running towards me as I shot shadow blades at him, but he dodged most of it. When he came near me, he threw a few jabs that I blocked. I laughed, feeling adrenaline in my veins. I gave him a roundhouse kick, which he countered, sending me to the other side of the room.

"What's the Crime Queen doing here?" He asked, wiping the sweat from his chin as I stood up and dusted myself.

"Busting out my friends." I laughed as the asylum was filled with clicking sounds as I heard multiple voices and footsteps behind me. "I won't hurt you, Bats, but they will."

I laughed as I teleported to the glass roof just in time to escape his batarang.On the roof, my men greeted me with a bow.

"You missed all the fun, boys!" I teased as I jumped down from the roof as the shadows engulfed me and brought me to Blüdhaven. I stood at the tallest building, my men and I were eyeing the city quietly. I pressed my earpiece.

"Razam, give me the stats." I commanded.

"Mom!" Razam cried, sounding a bit relieved as he heard my voice. "Be careful! Nightwing's going up to the building you're at! I'll be there in 10!"

I felt my heart race as I told my men to regroup with Slade and Penguin, just in time before a voice erupted from behind me. Large hands touched my waist as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Well, well, well. You finally showed up." A familiar voice huskily uttered. "You gave me quite a big headache, Missy."

I felt him trail his hands up, but before I gave in, I pushed him with all my strength, which sent him flying through three buildings. I rushed towards him, feeling blood pumping through my veins. I levitated in front of him as he gripped the ledge of a building he smashed into.

"You're really angry, huh, (Y/N)?" He let me a pained laugh as he sat on top of the ledge, bright blue eyes looking at me as if I became a stranger.

"I'm angry for two people, Dick." I laughed, floating towards him, my hand on his cheek as I raised my mask to give him a bittersweet kiss. "I'm angry for both me and Razam."

"Razam?" He asked breaking away from the kiss as he tried to pull me closer, like he was trying to bury in my warmth. I held his cheek and closed my mask, as I let my shadows grip his neck and push him down to the streets.

He's still alive.

I clicked my tongue.

I laughed, my shadows enveloping me, as I landed down in front of him.

"He's your son, Dick— He's our son." I said softly.

"S-son? So that means that the baby I saw— HOW COULD YOU?!" Dick glared at me, stabbing one of his escrima sticks on my leg, and boosting up the power, effectively electrocuting me for a few seconds.

I screamed in pain and anger as I got my (WoC) and charged it with my shadow energy. I ran towards him and swung it towards him, tearing his suit and effectively leaving a large wound on his abdomen.

"Because you hurt us." I let out an insane laugh as I walked towards him, not breaking a sweat. "I hid the fact that you're his father because you're just a lying and cheating bastard."

"Jason set me up!" He screamed.

"And even if he set you up, you wouldn't have kissed that limp bitch back!"


"M-mom?" A voice asked from behind me, as I saw Razam, his mask in his hands and his eyes burning in anger for the man in front of me. "N-Nightwing, you're my real dad?"

I tried to open my mouth, but my son just stared at his real father, eyes burning bright (E/C).

"How fucking dare you show yourself to me, after all you've done to my mother."

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